I've read that the average head conists of around 150,000 hair follicles.
On average, a human head has about 100,000 hair follicles, which can produce individual hairs. The number of hairs on a person's head can vary based on factors such as genetics, hair thickness, and natural hair loss.
Just because your hair is blonde, brown, red, whatever, doesn't effect the number of hairs on your head. In hair there is around 100,000 follicles, and each follicle can grow about twenty individual hairs in a lifetime. There is no average number of hairs on a human head, and no one really can tell how many hairs they're are on their hair. Hair comes in different sizes, shapes and lengths, just like people:)
It varies depending on hair color some red heads have as few as 90,000 hair while some blondes have nearly 130,000...blach heads are somewhere in between that with around 110,000 hair on their heads...on average most people will have about 110,00 hair on their head...
Cats have millions and millions of hairs. An adult cat has up to 100,000 hair follicles per square inch on its body.
The average human head has about 100,000 hair follicles, with each follicle capable of producing multiple hairs over a lifetime. The number of actual hairs can vary widely from person to person but typically ranges from 100,000 to 150,000 individual hairs on a healthy scalp.
The number of hair strands on a human head is determined by genetics. Each person is born with a specific number of hair follicles, which produce individual hairs. Factors like age, health, and hair care practices can also affect the density and thickness of hair strands.
Each hair on a human scalp typically contains one hair follicle. The follicle is located beneath the skin's surface and is responsible for producing and anchoring the hair shaft.
I doubt that the hair dye has actually killed your hair follicles. Stop dying your hair, and it will grow.
Branding still occurs in many locations. Although now the brands can be created by freezing the skin until the hair follicles are damaged to the point where they will continue to produce grow hair but it will be white. Further freezing can be used on gray or white horses to kill the hair follicles completely so that the brand can still be observed. Hot brands destroy the hair follicles of the brand site completely.
Laser hair removal is somewhat easier than electrolysis in that it uses pulsated light to destroy or burn hair in the follicles. It is able to deliver this light to many follicles at the same time, whereas electrolysis targets individual follicles one by one, delivering low level electrical pulses through a needle inserted into the follicle. Many individual find laser hair removal to be less painful than electrolysis.