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Q: How many strands of hair are in an average 11 year old head?
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How many hair strand does a human have?

An average of 100,000 hair strands.

Who determines how many strands of hair are on the human head?

The number of hair strands on a human head is determined by genetics. Each person is born with a specific number of hair follicles, which produce individual hairs. Factors like age, health, and hair care practices can also affect the density and thickness of hair strands.

How many strands of hair are on the average humans head?

It varies depending on hair color some red heads have as few as 90,000 hair while some blondes have nearly 130,000...blach heads are somewhere in between that with around 110,000 hair on their heads...on average most people will have about 110,00 hair on their head...

How many hairs on a human head do you lose a day?

On average, a person loses approximately 50-100 hairs a day as part of the normal hair growth cycle. This is considered normal and is not usually a cause for concern unless there is excessive hair loss.

How many strands of hair grow everyday?

It all depends. The amount varies. If you brush your hair and wash you hair in a day then that looses more strands then if you dont. Also running your hands through your hair can loose strands and having knots in your hair and brushing them also looses hair. On average you loose about 100-200 strands a day but like i said that varuies in what you do to your hair in that day.

How many hair follicles on the average head?

I've read that the average head conists of around 150,000 hair follicles.

How many hairs is on a person head?

Obviously, the number varies from person to person, but in general the answer is that the human head has about 100,000strands of hair.the number of strands of hair on a human head varies with color: BLONDE - 140,000 strands; BROWN - 110,000 strands; BLACK - 108,000 strands; RED - 90,000 strands.Bibleline supports this: "Some years a go, a German scientist counted the hairs on different heads. He found that they vary in number, depending seemingly upon the color. There are more on a head with black hair than on a head with red hair, more on brown than black, more on blonde than brown. The black-haired woman has about 110,000 hairs on her head, and a blonde-haired woman has about 140,000."There are about 100,000 hairs on an average human's head.

How many hairs are on Ed brown's head?

Ed Brown is very relluctant man which is why he only harbours two and a half strands of hair on his head!

HOW many strands of hair does Justin Bieber have?

over 400 billion strands of hair....... I'm a true beliber

How many hair are on the average female11 year olds head if her hair is 15 inches long and is very thick?

On the average there are over one hundred thousand strands of hair on a young adult. Blondes average about 140,000 strands, brunettes average 108,000 and redheads average 90,000. Hair grows at a rate of about 150mm a year and each individual hair lasts for two to six years before it falls out, the follicle has a rest for a while, while another takes its place. Hair grows quickest in young adult women aged between sixteen and twenty-four (who are often then at the height of their possible reproductive capacity)

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