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Well in my perspective you would have to drink atleast 7 glasses a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope this will really help you... take care bye!!!!!

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Q: How many glasses of water should a person weighing 140 lbs need to drink?
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I weigh 215lbs, how much glasses of water should I drink?

How much water should a person with diabetes drink per day?

8 glasses

How many glasses of water should the average drink per day?

if your a adult you should drink about 8 glasses if your a kid you should drink 6 to 7

How many glasses of water should person drink a day how many oz?

What you should do is drink when you are thirsty. There is no need to count the glasses and to try to figure out by mathematical analysis whether you have consumed enough water. If you need more water, you will feel thirsty, and then you can drink. It works quite simply. But if you need a number, I would estimate that the average person should have four glasses of water per day.

How much glasses of water should a person drink each day?

Eight 16-ounce glasses of water. Drink up; it's good for you!

How much water should a person with kidney disease drink?

A healthy adult should drink 8 glasses of water per day.

How many cups of water should a person drink?

Most people should drink at least 7 to 10 average sized glasses of water each day.

How much water does one person require a day to survive?

A person should drink at least a minimum of nine glasses of water.

If you weigh 204 how much water should you drink?

The formula for figuring out how much water a person should drink is your body weight divided by two. So a person weighing 204 pounds needs to drink at least 102 ounces of water a day to stay hydrated.

What should you drink with 8 glasses of water daily?

What are you talking about? You drink 8 glasses of water, nothing with it. that's it.

How much glasses of water should an adult drink?

8 glasses of water

How many glasses of water a day should you drink?

You should drink eight glasses of water a day. But drink more depending on weight or if you work out more. Their are various websites on line to help determine how much water you should drink if you work out more.