Water won't flush weed out of your system, it will just dilute your urine to be almost completely water. Yes, this makes THC undetectable, but it will also make it so that there is no detectable criotine either. Criotine not being there is proof that its diluted and you will get in trouble and have to take the test again.
If the problem your having is in your 'cooling system' , flushing it out could help out a lot.
Not unless you have been told to fast. However, if you have not been instructed to fast, I would suggest you do NOT eat sweet.sugary food; fruit , vegetables, and bread are OK. Also drink plenty of water , not coffee, tea, alcohol, water will 'flush ' your system out.
AnswersOnly the passage of time will do that.More research has to be done in this area.There is no answer to this at the moment.
can crack the engine.
A semi flush uses about half the water that a full flush uses. This saves using water when it is not necessary to use more than is required. It saves money plus helps the environment.
You drink water to flush the system. Red Bull wil polute the system if anything.
Cranberry Juice and water to help flush their system
Drink lots of water. This should flush it out of your system.
There is nothing you can drink to get meth out of your system. You must wait for your body to naturally flush out this substance.
Drink some hot water.
its a myth it doesn't
1 gallon a day
drink a lot of orgen jucie and eat spinash
Drink more water then you can pour out of the sink.
If cannabis is legal in your area, having weed in your system might not be a problem. However, if it's not legal or could affect your job, consider seeking advice from a legal professional or refraining from using it in the future. It's also essential to know the policies of your workplace or any regulations that may apply to you.
In order to flush Phentermine out of your body and system, you will need to drink loads of water. You also may want to try cranberry juice capsules.