A semiconductor slice is used to make integrated circuits or ICs. It is also known as a semiconductor wafer or a semiconductor substrate.
If a diode is connected with two voltage sources for ex: One is 5V in F.B and The other is 3V in R.B then the Effective voltage will be equal to 2V F.B. So, The diode conducts.
A diode is an electronic component with the characteristic that its resistance is not constant, but depends on the magnitude of the current through it. An ideal diode has zero resistance to current in one direction, and infinite resistance to current in the reverse direction.
Carbon, silicon, gallium.
neither, germanium is a semiconductor
construction and working of semiconductor laser
An electronic component composed of two layers of a semiconductor material is a diode.
The 1 stands for number of semiconductor junctions The N means it's a semiconductor diode
semiconductor diode with out a pn junction.
Schottky Diode
Schottky diode
its me
Light Emitting Diode or LED
Light-emitting diode, a semiconductor diode that glows when a voltage is applied.
gunn diode is transfered electron device & PIN diode is semiconductor device
Diode is a semiconductor material. so it act as insulator also.