We have no way of knowing. As many as she wanted, we guess. Anyone who drinks 3 - 5 drinks in an hour is binging.
Alcholic ANSWER A binge drinker.
The number of drinks consumed before impairment occurs depends on many factors. These include the time period during which time the drinks are consumed, the drinker's gender. the drinker's size, the drinker's body mass index, and the drinker's experience with drinking alcohol.
Binge drinking definitions vary around the world, but in the United States, it is generally defined as a male drinking 5 standard-size drinks in a 2-hour period or a female drinking 4 standard-size drinks in the same amount of time.
Yes, the phenomenon is called alcohol tolerance. Their BAC will be as high as the moderate drinker, but the effects will be less pronounced.
I am a tea drinker and I drink at least 4 cups a day. I guess I am average....
People can better monitor their drinks by not taking part in buying rounds. Buying rounds of drinks only encourages you to drink faster and a sensible drinker will only consume alcohol at their own rate.
That would depend on the size and gender of the drinker, and how rapidly the drinks were consumed. It is possible to drink indefinitely and not reach that level if one drinks slowly enough.
yes he did drink he was a heavy drinker
alcoholics drink because they feel the urge to and are addicted to alcohol. a problem drinker drinks because they feel there is no other way to escape the worries and problems they face or feel.
No, Akon is not a drinker. He has stated that he doesn't drink due to his Muslim faith. :)
A call drink is a mixed drink for which the drinker specifies what they want the contents to be.
If you are asking what binge drinking is, it refers to drinking large amounts in a relatively short period of time, just to get drunk. Binge drinkers may go for a while without drinking, but then they will drink to extremes. This can have dangerous consequences for a person's health or cause them to do things they might not normally do when sober. If you are asking when the last time was that I indulged, the answer is never. I am one of those people who is a total non-drinker and I have never taken my first alcoholic drink. I much prefer a good milkshake.