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7 to 12 days for a blood test performed by dr's. 2 to 6 weeks for home pregnancy tests and urine tests in dr's offices.

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Q: How many days does it take to know you are pregnant?
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How many days you can know that you are pregnant?

You can take the test 2 weeks after sex.

How many days will it take to know your pregnant?

You can take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after sex.

How many days does it take before you know your pregnant?

It takes fourteen days (two weeks) to determine if you are pregnant with a home pregnancy test.

How many days want to know pregnant or not?

The earliest you can take the test is 2 weeks after sex.

Can you be pregnant and get your period 4 days early?

It is possible that you could be pregnant, take a test to know for sure

How many days after conceiving will you know that you are pregnant?

I was 2 weeks pregnant when I found out. And I was on my period. You can take the test 2 weeks after sex, that is when the pregnancy pretty much starts.

How far does it take for you know your pregnant?

A couple of days,just like my mommy

Can you get pregnant 6 days after a misscarrige?

You can. But it would take atleast 2 weeks to know for sure if you were pregnant. hope this helps!

How many days are guppies pregnant for?

Guppies are pregnant from anywhere between 21-28 days but if conditions aren't correct, it may take longer.

How many days does it take a zebra to give birth?

it is pregnant 23 months

How do you know if your pregnant after 4 days of being sexually active?

well you would know cus if you didnt use a condom or take the pill afetr then you are most likely to be pregnant

How many sexual intercourses do it take to know if you are pregnant?

A single sexual intercourse can make you pregnant. Normally many such events are needed to cause the pregnancy. You can not know from the number of sexual encounters that you are pregnant or not.