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Hormone levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception and about 12 - 14 days after conception by a urine test. Under normal circumstances this level is found right about the time your next period is due.

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Q: How many days after conception will a urine test for pregnancy give positive results?
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How soon should you do urine pregnancy test after conception?

Early result pregnancy tests will sometimes show positive 10 days after conception or 5 days before your expected period.

How long can you keep urine for pregnancy test?

yes you can store urine I did it for four hours and then used a pregnancy test and my results were positive and accurate

What is weakly positive in pregnancy urine test?

It means that there is a trace amout of the pregnancy hormone in your urine and you are in fact pregnant. There are, in a few cases, what is called a chemical pregnancy where you will produce the hormone from a fertilized egg that never implants and doesn't actully lead to conception, but still reads as a positive due to trace hGc in your urine stream. It is still however a positive and you should make a call to your OBGYN.

Can positive pregnancy results disappear from the pregnancy test?

Yes, After the Urine evaporates from the "stick" it will fade away or if it's electronic it will Power down and disappear.

Am I pregnant or sick?

Pregnancy and illness are easily differentiated by a urine pregnancy test. A urine pregnancy test will detect pregnancy hormone as soon as 10-12 days after conception.

Does progesterone suppositories give you false results on a urine pregnancy test?

yes it affect bu afulse positive result

Can pregnancy symptons start 3 weeks after conception?

The pregnancy symptoms may or may not start by three weeks of conceptions. But the urine test of pregnancy is almost always positive by this time. You can repeat the same after three days, if negative. By that time it should be almost invariably positive.

If you mix water with urine what will be the results of a urine test?


Can urine from toilet affect a pregnancy test?

For the most accurate results, the only urine that should touch the pregnancy test should be you.

Are you pregnant if a home pregnancy test came back positive and a laboratory urine test was inconclusive and why would they be different?

Hello there. Yes you may very well be pregnant. A pregnancy test will only turn positive once HCG has been found in your urine. BUT there needs to be ENOUGH HCG in your urine to make a positive test result. Depending on the pregnancy test, they usually look for 5MIU - 50MIU. If you had 49MIU of HCG in your urine and did a test that looks for 50MIU it would be negative. The same thing applies to the Labatory urine pregnancy test. When they did the test you probably didn't have enough HCG in your urine to give you a positive. You need to have a blood test. Urine tests are NOT reliable and give negative results when women are indeed pregnant. See your doctor for a Quantitative Beta HCG pregnancy test. Good luck.

Is a fertility test the same as a pregnancy test?

No, a fertility test tells you if you are capable of conception or when your best time to conceive is. A pregnancy test tells if the pregnancy hormone is present in your urine.

Can a blood test tell you if your pregnant after an abnormal period straight away?

Both urine and blood pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy about 10 days after conception.