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Just one is enough!

I quite agree! Don't start ... if you do smoke now, quit!

I quit smoking 'cold turkey' after 39 years of puffing and smelling like a walking ashtray. One of the best decisions of my life.

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17y ago
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14y ago

It should be assumed that the question is asking about how many cigarettes one can smoke SAFELY per day.

Most official answers from government health ministries would be that 0 cigarettes a day is the ideal rate to smoke. And this would be the correct answer - Given the extent of medical research on the links between cigarettes and cancer, Heart disease and other physical problems, it can no longer be said that smoking in any amount bears NO risk to the human body.

It has not been shown in epidemiologic studies though, that male smokers have a higher disease risk than nonsmokers, when smoking below 5 cigarettes per day. For female smokers the figure is below 3 cigarettes per day.

It would perhaps be better to answer the question by asking also - how much risk is the smoker willing to take to his/her health?

In terms of cessation - That depends on the person and how bad their addiction to cigarettes is.

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15y ago

ill tell u later*is 13 starts first cigarette* ??

0, the more cigarettes you smoke the worse for your health but even half a cigarette a day is unhealthy and not safe for your health.

exactly, so dont do it to begin with!

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12y ago

Lots. Obviously every single cigarette is bad for your body but most of the people who get the worst effects are "pack a day" smokers for years.

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13y ago

all cigarettes are harmful, even if you only have one.

DONT SMOKE is my advice!!!

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8y ago

Even one cigarette is dangerous to your health, there is no known "threshold" level.

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14y ago

Even one a day can do serious damage.

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Q: How many cigarettes can you smoke per day?
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Depends on the person. Some people, who are not addicted as much, can only smoke a few cigarettes a day, while others can smoke loads and loads of packs.

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No. I would just stop smoking.

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Anything above zero cigarettes per day

How many times does a smoker smoke in a year?

It all depends on the person. The average person smokes 20 cigarettes per day. So multiply 20x365= 7300 times per year. That number is solely based on a 1 pack a day smoker.

How many cigarettes does the same smoker smoke in 40 years?

If the one pack a day smoker has a habit for 40 years, that would come to 20 cigarettes X 365 days per year X 40 years. If that smoker had a two pack a day habit, then the answer would need to be doubled.

How many cigarettes per day is acceptable?

None. Cigarettes are packed with hundreds of chemicals just waiting to kill you. Plus they are expensive.

How much cigarettes does an average smoker smoke?

A pack a day smoker smokes 20 cigarettes x 365 days in a year, or 7300 Cigarettes. Half a pack a day, 3650 5 Cigarettes a day, 1825. One cigarette has between 1 and 1.5 mg of nicotine.