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None. Cigarettes are packed with hundreds of chemicals just waiting to kill you. Plus they are expensive.

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Q: How many cigarettes per day is acceptable?
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How many ciggaretes a day is harmful?

Anything above zero cigarettes per day

How many cigarettes are smoked per person per day?

Depends on the person. Some people, who are not addicted as much, can only smoke a few cigarettes a day, while others can smoke loads and loads of packs.

How many packets of cigarettes are sold a day in South Africa?

Approximately 411 000 packets per day

How many cigarettes do people smoke per day?

There are 20 cigarettes in a pack. A heavy smoker will smoke 2.5 packs (50 cigarettes) or more per day. Others smoke 1-2 packs (20-40 cigarettes), and light smokers up to a pack.

How many cigarettes are sold in a day?

About 1 billion per day (in 2006). According to the USDA, "Output for 2006 was 484.0 billion cigarettes...", but the consumption was 371 billion pieces for the same year. Calculating the number per day from there is simple division; 371 billion cigarettes divided by 365 days equals 1,016,438,356.16 cigarettes per day. (see related link)

How many days per year are acceptable to be late for work?

None is acceptable.

How many days per year are acceptable to be late to work?

None is acceptable.

Does Steve coogan smoke?

He smokes 15 cigarettes per day and is wanting to quit.

Can people smoke 100 cigarettes per day?

Yes sadly.... Andy Six does it :(

How many cigarettes are made in the US per week?

Approximately 10,000,000,000 cigarettes are made every week in USA.

How many pack of cigarettes are there in a ream?

a ream of cigarettes is usually defined by a total of 10 packs or packets, which usually contain 20 cigarettes each, making it 200 cigarettes per ream. however, with the existence of 10 cigarette packets, the no of cigarettes per ream has been in dispute. many hold that 200 cigarettes is still the standard for reams of tobacco

How much would a person's cigarettes cost over 1 year?

This completely depends on the price of the cigarettes and the amount that the individual smokes per day. For a gross estimate, we will say that the person smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day and a pack costs $6.00:$6.00 x 365 days = $2190.00 per year.