45000 calories
1,600 to 2,000 calories a day, on average.
Women should have 2000 Men should have 2500
2,000+ calories
The average person needs between 1,500 and 2,000 calories on average per day (assuming they partake in moderate exercise and eat healthy) to continue on normally.
1800 calories average
In a typical day, the average person burns 700 to 1,000 calories naturally.
the average American often consumes between 5000-6000 calories during a holiday meal.
It varies from person to person, but the average adult male needs about 3,100 calories per day in order to be healthy, and the average adult female needs about 2,400 calories per day to be healthy.
You can't lose weight by guessing. You will need to know how many calories you need per day by the amount of exercise you do. The average person burns 2000 calories per day. In order to maintain homeostasis within the body, your intake of calories should match how many calories you burn.