I'm sure that caloric content varies slightly depending on the brand or source of the dry roasted peanuts, but the nutrition information label on a 16 ounce jar of "Planters Lightly Salted Dry Roasted Peaunuts" says one ounce [one recommended serving] contains 160 calories.
It depends on the size of the peanuts and whether they are raw, plain, honey roasted, dry roasted, oil roasted, or boiled. For example, one ounce of dry roasted large peanuts is usually about 28-30 peanuts; one ounce of dry roasted small peanuts is usually about 60 peanuts.
Calories in one ounce of peanutsThere are:approx 159 calories in one ounce of raw peanutsapprox 168 calories in one ounce of oil roasted peanuts with saltapprox 164 calories in one ounce of oil roasted peanuts without saltapprox 164-166 calories in one ounce of dry roasted peanutsapprox 150-161 calories in one oz of honey roasted peanuts (it varies slightly according to brand)approx 90 calories in one ounce of shelled, boiled peanutsFor the calorie content of other foods, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
There are:approx 166 calories in 30 large dry roasted peanutsapprox 166 calories in 60 small dry roasted peanutsapprox 89 calories in 33 shelled boiled peanuts.
Calories in 12 oz of peanutsIn dry roasted there are:approx 1968-1992 calories in 12 oz of dry roasted peanuts.In oil roasted there are:approx 1968 calories in 12 oz of oil roasted peanuts without saltapprox 2016 in 12 oz of oil roasted peanuts with salt.In boiled there are:approx 1080 calories in 12 oz of shelled boiled peanuts.In raw there are:approx 1908 calories in 12 oz or 28g of raw peanuts.
Calories in a bag of peanutsThat depends on the size of bag and the type of peanuts.For example, there are:approx 150-161 calories in 1 oz or 28g of honey roasted peanuts (it varies according to brand)approx 89 calories in 33 shelled boiled peanuts (about 1 oz)approx 159 calories in 1 oz of raw peanutsapprox 164-166 calories in 1 oz of dry roasted peanutsapprox 168 calories in 1 oz of oil roasted peanuts with saltapprox 164 calories in 1 oz of oil roasted peanuts without saltFor the calorie content of other foods, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
There are approximately 34 calories in each ounce or 28g of an average honey smoked roasted ham.
That depends on whether it is a plain peanut, a raw peanut, a boiled peanut, a dry roasted peanut, or an oil roasted peanut. For example, one dry roasted peanut has approximately 6 calories. For more information about the calorie content of peanuts according to the type of peanut and the weight or serving portion, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Calories in 1 oz of peanutsIn raw there are:approx 159 calories in 1 oz of raw peanuts.In dry roasted there are:approx 166 calories in 30 large dry roasted peanuts (which is 1 oz)approx 166 calories in 60 small dry roasted peanuts (which is 1 oz)approx 164-166 calories in 1 oz of dry roasted peanuts.In oil roasted there are:approx 164 calories in 1 oz of oil roasted peanuts without saltapprox 168 calories in 1 oz of oil roasted peanuts with salt.In boiled there are:approx 90 calories in 1 oz or 28g of shelled, boiled peanutsapprox 89 calories in 33 shelled boiled peanuts (which is about 1 oz).In honey roasted there are:approx 150-161 calories in 1 oz or 28g of honey roasted peanutsit varies slightly according to brand and sweetness.For the calorie content of other foods, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Calories in one of almondsThere are:approx 164 calories in 1 oz or 28g of raw almondsapprox 163 calories in 1 oz or 28g of blanched almondsapprox 166 calories in 1 oz or 28g of honey roasted unblanched almondsapprox 177 calories in 1 oz or 28g of oil roasted almondsapprox 167-169 calories in 1 oz or 28g of dry roasted almonds.For the calorie content of other almonds by weight or serving style, dry roasted, honey roasted, oil roasted, blanched, or raw, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
There are about 110 calories in ten peanuts.
In plain cooked chicken such as roasted or grilled (with the skin removed before eating) there are 46 to 47 calories in each 1 ounce of boneless chicken breast.Therefore:approx 230 to 235 calories in 5 ounces.
Calories in mixed nutsThat depends on how the nuts are processed (oil roasted, dry roasted, honey roasted, etc., or raw) and the type of nuts. Please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail. Meanwhile, for the calories in almonds, the calories in peanuts, and the calories in cashew nuts, please see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.