It depends in the quantity/weight/amount of steak and asparagus. Please see the page links, further down this page, for the calories in steak by type and weight, and the calories in asparagus by weight.
For free fruit and vegetable calorie chartsto use as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, and for the calorie counts of other fruits and vegetables, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Sources and Related Links.
120 grams of raw asparagus have approximately 27.6 calories per serving. This is roughly the same amount as one cup of raw asparagus.
10 calories
1/2 cup of cooked, boiled and drained asparagus has 13.2 calories.
There are:approx 26 calories in a 125g serving of plain steamed or boiled asparagus.
25 calories
You can enjoy asparagus to the max and not have to worry about excessive calorie intake. For example, 1/2 cup (120 ml) of raw asparagus has only 15 calories, while the same quantity cooked contains 22 calories. That same 1/2 cup (120 ml) of raw asparagus provides 2.1 grams of protein, cooked offers 2.9 grams, slightly higher. Fiber is not asparagus's high point, offering only 1.41 grams of dietary fiber for that 1/2 cup (120 ml) of raw spears and tips; however, vitamin A, folacin, and potassium are its main attributes, along with trace amounts of B vitamins, copper, and zinc.
In boiled or steamed asparagus there are:approx 22 calories in a serving of 5 average size spearsapprox 36 calories in a serving of 8 average size spears (4.2 oz or 120g)
roughly 120
The weight of 1 cup of asparagus is 4.7 ounces, which is equal to 1,300 grams. One cup of asparagus contains just 27 calories.
roughly 20 calories
In boiled or steamed asparagus there are:approx 13 calories in small serving of 4 average spears (2.11 oz or 60g).
A "cup o noodles" from Nissan is at least 33O calories a cup.