In boiled or steamed asparagus there are:
1/2 cup of cooked, boiled and drained asparagus has 13.2 calories.
One cup (10 stalks) of asparagus has 5.2g of carbs.
There are:approx 60 calories in a 10 oz of steamed or boiled asparagus.For the calories in other amounts of asparagus, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Asparagus has a low Glycemic index of ±15 which is good for Diabetics. 4 stalks of asparagus is = ±13 calories, 0.1g fat & 2.5g Carbs
The amount of asparagus to make 1lb. totally depends upon how thick the stalk is and how long you allow it to grow before cutting. Growing Jersey male asparagus will allow much asparagus per cutting.
There are 4 syllables in the word asparagus. (A-spar-a-gus).
You should not harvest asparagus until the spear is at least 3/4-inch thick. Most newly planted crowns will not produce this thick of spear until at least the second year. Once the asparagus reaches the correct thickness, cut asparagus when the spears are 6 to 8 inches tall. Use a sharp knife to cut the spear 1 or 2 inches below the surface of the soil. The plant will continue to push up new spears throughout the growing season.
4 as-par-a-gus
4 calories
4 calories
There are 15 calories in 4 grams of sugar.
There are:36 calories in 4 oz of strawberries.