Answer before 2/11/09: I looked up the caloric content online, and found that 7.4 grams of St. Brendan's (which I am sipping now...) has 117 calories. There are 28.35 grams per ounce, so a one ounce shot of the Saint contains 448.24 calories. OUCH! An ounce of butter contains only 180 calories!!! Another reader, 2/11/09: The above writer doesn't say where he/she found that calorie count -- but the site itself claims, in its FAQ, that a 1.5 oz. serving has 155 calories, with 7.3g. fat & 11g carbohydrates. Am not a nutritionist or lab tester, but I have been counting calories and/or carbs for all of my long life and 155 calories per 1.5 oz. sounds/tastes more plausible to me.
one ounce + 90 calories
90 per ounce
Approx 1000kcals per half bottle 750ml...!
Irish Cream - novel - has 320 pages.
Different sources state varying amounts. Wikipedia states that an average 1.5 oz (43g) serving contains 144 calories (and 11 carbohydrates).
The "average" cream puff (if there is such a thing) has about 300 calories in it.
there are 500 calories in a in a bagel with cream cheese
There is 74 calories.
173 calories.
There is 110 calories in a can of Campbell's cream of mushroom soup.
5000 calories
In most whipped cream, there are no calories (or less than 0.5 grams).