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Q: How many calories does your body burn off naturally?
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How many calories does a pear burn?

A pear does not burn any calories. Pears contribute to calorie intake of a body. Exercises and workouts burn calories.

How many calories can you eat per day before gaining a pound?

Eating 3,500 more calories than you burn off naturally in a day is equal to one solid pound of body weight.

How many calories does your body burn by regrowing hair?

By just "regrowing" hair, your body doesn't burn any calories, however, for every five minutes that you wash your hair( lathering it with shampoo/conditioner) you burn about 13 calories.

How many calories do you burn doing hip hop abs total body burn?

about 500-600

How many pounds do you loose if you burn 1080 calories a week?

It depends entirely on how many calories you are putting into your body every week.

How many calories do you burn jogging 1 mile 50k?

Depending on body weight, height, etc you burn 100-150 calories per mile.

How many caolories do you burn during a 1 hour body vive class?

how many calories do you burn during a BodyVive class

How many calories do you have to burn to lose 1 lb of body fat?

3500 3500

How many calories do you burn just by smiling?

You Burn 100 CALORIES But when you smile the strongest you burn 1,000 Calories

How much weight will you lose if you eat as many calories as you burn in a day?

You will not lose weight (body fat) if consume as many calories as you burn. You will also not gain any body fat.If you eat 2000 calories a day, and go to the gym and burn 2000 calories doing various exercises, you WILL lose weight. This is because your body constantly burns calories to keep you alive. You burn then when you walk around, when you sit on the couch, when you sleep, even when you chew more food and digest. But if the sum of your workout calorie burn, and you daily natural calorie burn adds up to 2000 calories, and that's what you consumed that day, your weight will remain constant.

How many calories did i burn doimg cardio?

how many calories did I burn doing cardio

How many calories do you burn drawing?

you burn 2 calories from drawing