Maintaing a certain weight, regardless of that weight, is about balancing your calorie intake with your calorie expenditure. If you expend as many calories as you eat, you will maintain your weight.
Take the weight you want to be and times it by 10 to find out how many calories to eat to reach and maintain that weight. Example=If you want to weigh 180 pounds you should be eating 1800 calories a day. Don't forget to take into account you can eat more calories if you excercise.
To maintain weight, you would burn exactly how much you take in, which in this case is 480 calories. Don't forget how much you burn based on natural metabolism. It's very very likely that that itself is higher than 480 Calories.
To maintain your weight, try to balance the calories you burn with the calories you take in. Taking in greater calories than what is burnt will cause weight gain, as well as inactivity. Burning more calories than you take in will cause weight loss. Maintaining weight, you don't really want much of a deficit in any direction. Do toning exercises. If you don't want to bulk up, use lighter weights and perhaps fewer repetitions.
You will gain weight.
An average man might eat 2500 calories a day. If he is exercising a lot he will need a higher calorie intake. However, it also depends on whether he wants to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain weight.
Most people that are dieting know that to lose weight, you should take in less calories than your body uses on a daily basis. Yet, you cannot restrict your calories too much or you can actually impede weight loss. In order to determine exactly how many calories you need to eat for optimum weight loss, you can use a calorie calculator. A calorie calculator will take your current weight and activity level and figure how many calories you need to consume per day to maintain your current weight or to lose weight at a healthy rate.
The weight loss could be up to 2 pounds per week for the first 3 to 4 weeks. The weight will than plateau. This is because the body will eventually adapt to these type of cardio exercise. Eventually, it will come to a point where the body will be in balance and there is almost no weight loss.
Take the weight you want to be, and multiply by 10. That's how many calories. 120 lbs = 1,200 calories 180 lbs = 1,800 calories
If you are planning to lose weight, burning more calories than you take in is one of the steps to get you there.If you need to gain weight instead, taking in more calories than you burn would be advisable.If you want to maintain your current weight, taking in and burning about the same number of calories would be a step in the right direction.However, in all of the above scenarios, the number of calories is just one aspect of the effort. The quality of the calories you take in and the quality of the physical activity that helps you burn calories also play important roles.
Foods do not burn fat. Fat is calories and calories come from food. If you want to lose weight, determine how many calories you must take in each day to maintain your current weight. Once you have that figure, calculate how many calories you can subtract from that amount and still maintain proper nutrition. Let's say you need 2200 calories to maintain your current weight. If you implement an eating plan of 1700 calories per day, you'll have a 500 calorie per day deficit. Over the course of 7 days, you would lose one pound. If you stop up your physical activity, you'll burn even more calories and lose more weight. Eat healthy and make good food choices to support your plan. There are no "fat burning" foods, however.
For extereme weight, best to get personal medical advice.