same amount you burn.
If you eat the same number of calories per day that are equal to the calories you need per day you would maintain your weight. To lose weight you must consume less calories then you burn. To gain weight you must consume more calories you burn. Most humans will burn 2800 calories even in the most sedentary state.
To maintain weight, you would burn exactly how much you take in, which in this case is 480 calories. Don't forget how much you burn based on natural metabolism. It's very very likely that that itself is higher than 480 Calories.
Yes. Irregardless of how much you eat, as long as you burn off more than what you eat you'll lose weight. If it seems impossible to do so the decrease your calorie intake to below 1000 calories(Preferably 750 calories). High weight exercises aren't as effective as body weight circuit training.
You need to burn about 3,500 calories per pound. Then you need to burn 70,000 calories to lose 20 pounds.
To maintain your weight... eat as many calories as you burn. Most humans, without even excercising, burn 1500-2000 calories a day just doing daily things and...surprise, surprise, living! If you are trying to lose weight, you have to eat a significant less amount of calories than you are planning to burn in a day. So, if you plan to go on a 3 mile run, and burn a total of 2300 calories in one day, to lose weight you have to eat less than 2300 calories. AND gaining weight is just the more calories than you burn.
eating the same amount of calories that you burn in a day will make your weight stay the same, to lose weight burn more calories then you eat and to gain weight eat more calories then you burn
Often yes, bit not necessarily. You lose weight when you eater fewer calories than you burn. Some people will feel hungry even when they have eaten enough calories to maintain weight.
You can't lose weight by guessing. You will need to know how many calories you need per day by the amount of exercise you do. The average person burns 2000 calories per day. In order to maintain homeostasis within the body, your intake of calories should match how many calories you burn.
If you take in more calories than you burn you will put on weight.
It is extremely important to measure one's calories if you are overweight or if you wish to loose weight and maintain it. If the body takes in too many calories and you do not exercise properly you will not be able to burn the extra calories.