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It usually depends...

A LOT. According to the commercials and recommendations.

But the more Muscle you have the more calories you burn.

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Q: How many calories does a THE RACK work out burn?
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How many calories do you burn off per hour in the gym?

It depends on what you do at the gym. Running on the treadmill will burn between 500-600 calories depending how fast you are goin. An elliptical at medium resistance will burn about 550 calories. Yoga will burn about 400 calories. Weight lifting will vary greatly based on the type of weights and the heaviness.

If you work as a dancer how many calories do you burn in 6 hours?

it depend's how much dancing you do in 6 hours. if you dance non-stop for 6 hours u can burn off atleast 1830 calories.!

Does working off calories with exercise work?

Yes! If you eat you take in calories. If you exercise, you burn calories. The problem is that many people eat too much and exercise too little.

How many calories should you burn for weight loss?

It doesn't matter how many calories you burn - if you burn more each day in exercise than you consume each day in food, you'll lose weight. But if you're a big eater, you could work out 20 hours a day and not lose weight.

How many calories will a 200 lb woman burn in an hour on the elliptical?

When I was this weight I used to burn about 600 calories an hour, This is of course dependant on how hard you work. Technically the hifger the level and the faster you go,m the more calories you will burn. I was doing level 6 at 50-60rpm and was burning 600 calories per hour. Hope that helps

What exercise do you need to burn calories?

Any exercise would work, I personally enjoy running. But, there is a way to burn 500 calories without working out at all.

How many calories are burned on a vibrating platform machine?

The human may increase its metabolism somewhat. Generally speaking, if you do the work to vibrate or whatever, then you burn the calories. If a machine does the work, the machine burns (its) calories -- which is not so helpful for the human.

What is the reason for gym?

The gym is a place to work out and burn calories and fat.

How many calories does a p90x workout burn?

somewhere between 700 and 1200 calories depends on weights you use and how into it you are as well as if you try to take break in between when your not supposed to