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It depends on the intensity and your body weight. Age matters too as the metabolism of youth ranging from 15 to 25 are significantly higher compared to the people age 30 and above.

If you are performing some sort of dancing and weigh around 80kg you will lose around 150 to 200 calories depending on your intensity.

Generally for every 3000 calories you lose, you will lose 1 pound of your body weight.

Hope this helps.

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12y ago

It depends on a lot of things, but mainly how hard you're riding. Can be anything between 100-400 calories for 20 minutes.

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Q: How many calories do you burn in a 20 minute aerobic class?
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How many calories can you burn in a 30 minute aerobic workout?

You take the amount you weigh in lbs and multiply it by .096, then with that number you get the amount of calories you burn per minute. Then you multiply that by the number of minutes you perform the exercise to get your total calorie burn rate.(wieght in lbs) x (.096)= ( calories burned per min) x ( total min worked out) = totalcalories burned overall

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