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Q: How many calories are normally burned each day by a sedentary 170 pound woman?
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How many calories burned equal a pound?

1500 calories burns one pound !

You burned 239 calories what does that equal?

1 pound equals 3500 calories. If you burn 3500 calories, you burn one pound of bodyfat.

How many calories equals a pound?

3500 calories need to be burned for a human to lose one pound of body fat.

How many calories are burned walking with a 35 pound pack?

About 120 calories.

How many calories are burned walking with crutches?

a 150 pound person burns 352 calories per hour walking on crutches, a 180 pound person burns 409.

How many calories you have to burn to lose a lbs?

3500 calories must be burned to lose one pound.

How many pounds lost based off of how many calories burned?

One pound = 3500 calories. Decreasing calories by 500 per day for a week = 3500 calories lost or 1 pound.

How many calories you burn with frog squat?

Calories burned per pound per minute would be .096

How many calories are in half a pound?

1,800 extra calories consumed (without being burned off) is equal to 1/2 pound of weight on the body.

How many calories does a 6 mile run with 10 minutes miles for a 118 pound woman?

That is about 538 calories burned there.

How many calories does a 125 pound woman need to maintain weight?

about 1500 calories a day without exercise, if you do any exercise you can increase by how many calories you have burned

How many calories equal one pound?

You are comparing 2 different things: Weight and Energy.There are 3,500 calories in 1 pound of fat. To burn one pound, you must burn 3,500 calories. This can be done by reducing calorie intake and increasing your activity.