There are:
For the calories in other foods, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
There are about 120 calories in one 4 ounce chicken drumstick with skin and nothing added.
In a roasted/grilled/broiled chicken, with the skin removed before eating,there are:approx 76 calories in 1 average size drumstickapprox 181 calories in 1 average size leg, includes drumstick & thigh.
Calories chicken drumsticksIn plain roasted or grilled, there are:approx 76 calories in one average size drumstick without the skinapprox 112 calories in one average size drumstick including the skin.For the calories in other foods, please see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Calories in grilled chicken drumstick and thighYou can grill it with the skin on and then remove the skin before eating. In plain grilled (skin removed before eating) there will be:approx 181 (excluding bone ) in one average size chicken leg (thigh and drumstick)approx 200 calories in 3½, or 100g, of dark meat such as leg (thigh and drumstick)approx 57 calories in 1 ounce, 28g, of dark meat such as leg (thigh and drumstick)there are slightly more calories in the thigh than the drumstick.For the calorie content of vegetables and fruit to serve with chicken, and fruit and vegetable calorie charts, which you print out if you wish to and use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
In plain cooked (grilled, roasted, boiled, steamed) chicken legs (drumstick and thigh) there are:approx 265 calories in 1 slightly larger (4 oz or 114g) leg including the skinapprox 181 calories in 1 average (3.4 oz or 95g) chicken leg with the skin removed before eating.In plain cooked (grilled, roasted, boiled, steamed) chicken thighs there are:approx 59 calories in 1 ounce, 28g, of thigh meat (excluding the skin)approx 109 calories in 1 average size thigh (excluding the skin)approx 153 calories in 1 average size thigh including the skinfor comparison, approx 112 calories in 1 average size drumstick including the skin.
1 ounce of chicken breast equals about 50 calories.
1 chicken nugget is usually between 60 and 80 calories.
There are about 138 calories in a 3oz serving of boneless, cooked, skinless chicken.
It is not possible to state the calorie content of a whole chicken unless the weight of the chicken is known and whether you want the calorie content of the meat alone or the meat and bones. For the calorie content of chicken by weight or serving portion, both with and without skin, please see the page link, further down this page listed under Related Questions. Alternatively, please feel free to ask the question again and include more details.
There are about 138 calories in a 3oz serving of boneless, cooked, skinless chicken.
There are about 736 calories in a 1 lb serving of boneless, cooked, skinless chicken breast.