In plain cooked (grilled, roasted, boiled, steamed) chicken legs (drumstick and thigh) there are:
In plain cooked (grilled, roasted, boiled, steamed) chicken thighs there are:
thigh 330 leg 110 wing 300 breast 280 (original) spciy add about 50 more calories per piece
the chicken leg is
A roasted chicken leg typically contains around 200-250 calories.
In a roasted/grilled/broiled chicken, with the skin removed before eating,there are:approx 76 calories in 1 average size drumstickapprox 181 calories in 1 average size leg, includes drumstick & thigh.
Calories in boiled chickenIn boiled chicken (with the skin removed before eating) there are:46 to 47 calories in 1 oz or 28g of skinless light meat such as breast53 to 57 calories in 1 oz or 28g of dark meat such as leg/thigh/drumstick168 calories in 3½ oz or 100g of skinless light meat such as breast193 -200 calories in 3½ oz or 100g of dark meat such as leg/thigh/drumstick181 in one average size chicken leg (this includes the thigh and 242 calories in 1 cup of chopped light meat such as breast287 calories in 1 cup of chopped dark meat such as leg/thigh/drumstick.For the calorie content of vegetables or fruit to serve with chicken, and for free fruit and vegetable calorie chartsthat you can use as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..depends on the mount of chicken breast :)
The chicken thigh is located on the upper part of the chicken's leg, near the body.
Calories in grilled chicken drumstick and thighYou can grill it with the skin on and then remove the skin before eating. In plain grilled (skin removed before eating) there will be:approx 181 (excluding bone ) in one average size chicken leg (thigh and drumstick)approx 200 calories in 3½, or 100g, of dark meat such as leg (thigh and drumstick)approx 57 calories in 1 ounce, 28g, of dark meat such as leg (thigh and drumstick)there are slightly more calories in the thigh than the drumstick.For the calorie content of vegetables and fruit to serve with chicken, and fruit and vegetable calorie charts, which you print out if you wish to and use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Five grams of saturated fat in a chicken leg (thigh plus drumstick), 19 grams total fat.
The breast thigh leg and wing of a chicken
Chicken leg quarters from a fryer chicken weigh around 9 ounces on average. Chicken leg quarters include the thigh and the leg.