There are 4 calories per gram of protein.
how many calories in 100g protein
In Irish white pudding per 100grams there are 450 Calories , 7.0 grams Protein, 36.3 Carbohydrates ,31.8 Fat
There are 4 calories per gram of protein. Keeping this conversion in mind, we can do the math. 240 grams multiplied by 4 calories per gram equals 960 calories. There are 960 calories in 240 grams of protein.
193 calories
776 calories
A gram of protein is 4 Calories, so 10 grams of protein provides 40 calories.
180 calories. 50 calories from fat. 6 grams of protein.
1 gram of protein equals 4 calories, so there would be 32 calories
100 grams of canned tuna in water has 116 calories, .82 grams of fat and 25.5 grams of protein. 100 grams of tuna in oil has 198 calories, 8.21 grams of fat and 29.13 grams of protein.