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The question is difficult to answer. Thicker bread slices will be heavier than thinner slices off the same type if bread, Different types of bread of the same slice thickness, such as white bread, whole grain bread, will not have the same weight.

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7y ago
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15y ago

3 grams of fat, and 33 carbs. It is 2 grams of fat per serving size, which is 2 slices. It is 22 carbs per serving size, which is again, 2 slices. I am not sure about the calories.....

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13y ago

226.79 g

1 oz = 28.34 grams

1 gram = 0.03 oz

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Q: How many calories and fat are there in 3 slices of bread?
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How many calories does two slices of wheat bread?

It can vary based on the bread. White bread can have 60 to 120 calories, while whole wheat can be anywhere from 90 to 160 calories in it. (There is a larger difference based on the grains used, like oat or flax or wheat or barley, ect.) So 2 slices of white would be maybe 165 or so while 2 slices of wheat would be about 210 or so.

How many calories in three slices of bacon?

It depends based on how much fat is in the bacon, but around 200 calories or so.

How many calories and fat in a grilled cheese?

It would depend entirely on the types of bread and cheese used. For the bread, look on the bag to see how many calories are in a slice (remember that for most breads one slice is a serving size and that you are using two pieces of bread) and then check the label on the cheese to determine the calories and fat. An estimate would be about 250 calories from the bread, 100 calories from two slices of pre-packaged 2% fat cheese, and then if you put butter in the frying pan that could be anywhere from another 100 to 200 calories added to the grilled cheese, plus any condiments or anything else added to the sandwich. So you are probably looking at about 450 to 550 calories a sandwich with somewhere from 15 to 25 grams of fat.

How many calories does a salami sandwich have?

Assuming you use two slices of bread similar to the kind in the supermarket, and use a light spreading of butter, there would be about 320 Calories, most coming from the carbohydrates in the bread and the fat in the salami.

How much calories does a ham and cheese sandwich have?

This depends on the type of ham (e.g better quality or less quality), the type of cheese (e.g low fat, creamy, spread..), the type of bread (white bread contains more salt than brown bread, and brown bread is better in fibre content for your digestion) and whether or not you have butter/salad cream/mayonnaise, and if so, what type they are (e.g low fat...) For the calories in cheese, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How many calories in a ham and cheese sandwich with black bread butter and low fat cheese?


How many calories does a chocolate spread sandwich contain?

in a nutella sandwich there are 320 calories per serving but it depends on how much you put on your sandwich and you need to count how many calories the bread contains as well. in total around 450 calories for a nutella sandwich. (:

French bread has how many calories?

Calories in BreadThe amount of calories in a slice of bread will vary depending on the type of bread and how big the loaf is. One slice of one brand of white bread has 60 calories, but since two slices are usually considered a serving, a serving would be 120 calories.

How many calories is in 1 gram bread?

Since bread is mostly carbohydrate, the quick answer is 4 dietary Calories (=4 kilocalories). Protein offers the same energy, so the answer doesn't change. However, if the bread has significant fat, as might an egg bread like challah or - obviously - if fat in the form of butter, margarine or oil is added to it, the Calorie count goes up. How much is hard to say, but one gram of any fat is 9 Calories.

How many kilo-calories are in a slice of wholewheat bread supplies approximately 13 g of carbohydrate and 1 g of fat and 3 g of protein and 11 g of water?

13g of carbohydrate is= to 3.3895 calories 1g of fat is = to 1.1503 calories 3g of protein is =to 0.7668 calories. 11g of water is =to 0 calories now the total number of whole wheat bread has 5.3066 calories

Do you add the calories and the fat calories to know how many calories?

No fat calories are a proportion of how many fat calories are in the total calorie count. So on the label of some food, if it says 100 calories, 50 fat calories, that means there are 100 calories, but 50 of them are from fat.

How many fat calories are in strawberries?

There are no fat calories but 2 calories altogether!