If you calculate your BMR this will tell you how many calories your body needs a day to maintain its weight. If you then consume 500 extra calories a day for a full week you should gain around a pound in weight. So I would say the answer is 3500 calories.
If one burns off roughly one calorie per 20 steps, then it should take about 70,000 steps to burn off 3500 calories or 1 pound of body fat.
The Calorie (the upper case "C" is relevant) is an obsolete pre-SI Metric unit defined as the amount of heat required to raise one kilogram of water one degree Celcius. As this amount depends on the starting temperature, one Calorie (strictly speaking, a kilocalorie) varies in value (approximately4.2 Joules) and has only been specifically defined as a Thermochemical Calorie (4.184 J exactly). Calorie continues in use only as a unit of food energy. Technically, "calorie" (lower case "c") is a gram calorie with a value one-thousanth of a Calorie, however, the distinction is often not made. The word calorie derives from Latin, via French "calor" meaning heat.
The number of steps required to burn a calorie depends on various factors including a person's weight, walking speed, and stride length. On average, for an individual weighing around 150 pounds (68 kg), it is estimated that approximately 20 steps burn one calorie. Here’s a more detailed breakdown: Weight: Heavier individuals burn more calories per step than lighter individuals. Speed and Intensity: Walking faster or with more intensity burns more calories per step. Stride Length: A longer stride length typically means fewer steps to cover the same distance, but each step burns more calories. To provide a general idea: For a person weighing 150 pounds: Walking at a moderate pace of 3 miles per hour (approximately 4.8 kilometers per hour), it takes roughly 2,000 steps to burn 100 calories. This means about 20 steps burn 1 calorie. It's important to note that these are estimates and individual variations can significantly affect the actual number of steps needed to burn a calorie. Using a fitness tracker or pedometer can provide more personalized and accurate measurements based on your specific details and activity level.
A calculator? It depends. You could probably get a really cheap one in a pound shop or something but if you want one that is scientific it could be around the 10/15 pound mark. Hope this helps :)
Each dollar bill is one gram. There are 2000 pounds in a ton, and 453.6 grams in a pound. Multiplied, you get $907,200. Used bills are slightly heavier than new, though. This example was with new.
0.001because 1,000 calories, make 1kilo-calorie.
it takkes one can to make a pound
There are 100 pence in a pound, so 100 one pence coins make up one pound.
There are approximately 3,500 calories in a pound of body weight. This means that in order to lose one pound, you would need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 through a combination of diet and exercise.
3500 calories make one pound from yo girl sarah
There are 3500 calories in one pound of body fat.About 3,500 calories is equal to one pound.
One pound is comprised of sixteen (16) ounces.
When completely reacted, one pound of ethylene will make one pound of polyethylene, because no atoms are lost or gained in the reaction.
14.58 troy ounces equates to one pound.
There are about 75 tablespoons in one pound of coffee.
79 rupees make 1 pound currently
A Groat was a British Fourpenny coin. There were 240 Pennies in a Pound, so there were 60 Groats in One Pound.