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Q: How many calls supported by one TRX in BTS?
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How many trx are supported when you use one m2ha card in nokia ultra bts?

only two trx supported when we use one m2ha.

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What is the basic difference bw nokia ultra and flexi bts?

the basic difference between nokia ultra&flexibts is that ultra can support only12 trx but flexi bts can support 24 trx. i

What is TRX in bts?

TRX stands for TRANSMIT RECEIVER. TRX has different combination depending on the user requirement. 1 trx has 8 TS out of which one is allocated for BCCH.Rest is used for voice trxmns and for data purpose.

What is the use of boia card in nokia bts?

Hello! A BOIA card (or BCF card) is the Base Station Control Function in a BTS. The BCF is like the BTS's brain, controling, for example, TRx's hopping.

What is the functioning of TRX card in Nokia BTS?

The TRX card in a Nokia BTS (Base Transceiver Station) is responsible for handling the air interface communication with mobile devices. It connects to the antennas and manages the transmission and reception of signals between mobile phones and the network. The TRX card plays a crucial role in enabling mobile communication within a cell coverage area.

What is Function of boia card?

The BOIA card in the BTS is for maintaining the total functionality of the BTS. It consists of a local management port(LMP) through which a sysytem can be connected with the BTS and necesssray information can be loaded into it through a special software used to specify the required settings relating the RRI and TRX, synchronization(Rx clock), traffic channel and TRx signalling along with the OMU and EDAP signalling and of course the alarm configuration.

What is the main components of Nokia BTS Site?

main component of nokia bts is 1)trx which contains 8 slots for call receive and transmit to another mobile station through radio interface 2)second one is psu (power supply unit) which produces the power to bts to get the operation 3)third one is bb(base band) card which support two trx in operation 4)rest of parts is boa,coupler,combiner,duplexer etc

What is the function of BB2F card?

unction of bb2f in nokia bts to multiyplecsing and conet to boia with trx bb2f is used for digital signal processing and also frequency hopping

How many TRX operate by one BSC?

1800 trx

What is difference between ultra and flexi bts?

Ultra BTS can support max. of 12 TRx (trancievers), while Flexi can support max. of 24 TRx. Ultrea has drawback that it has all Pin connections on back side, if any of the Pin of a particular slot is damaged then that slot is useless, while in flexi all connections are on front side so it is easy to install every equipment. As an operator wants to cover maximum area he will use flexi. you can say ultra a bts of old times. so, it is the difference my dear. however, one TRx card supports 8 time slots i.e. max of 8 users, but not practically. It will support max. of 7 callers. Capacity in terms of users can be increased using Half rate, i.e. A TRx will support approximately 14-15 users at half rate transmission, half rate is used during bysy hours, i.e. on one time slot 2 user will send their data/speech, with a half rate of 5.6 kbps, but at half rate voice quality is not very good. Simply one time slot will be assigned to two users in Half rate. So both of them(Ultra & Flexi) support equal no. of users if having equal no. of TRx.

One E1 can support how many trx?