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90% of are Bisexual.

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Q: How many bisexual people are in the world?
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Is there a bisexual person?

There are many people all over the world who are bisexual.

What do people in third world countries think about bisexual people?

Depends on which country you are speaking of. People all over the world and in all classes have individual thoughts on subjects such as this and cannot be put in one category.

Why do people tell bisexual people that they have to choose a side?

Bisexual people are often those who experience the most confusion in deciding their sexual orientation. The idea of being attracted to both sexes can cause confusion and uncertainty, where the person cannot decide whether they are actually gay or straight. It may not dawn on people that they could be bisexual as well. In light of this, many people think that bisexual people are simply "undecided" about their sexual orientation so they ask them to choose a side and stick with it. The reality is, research by many studies, including that of Dr Alfred Kinsey, has proven that bisexuality exists as an individual sexual orientation. Rarely, some people may think bisexual people are simply identifying themselves as that to hide their homosexuality.

How many pages does The Bisexual Option have?

The Bisexual Option has 215 pages.

Why is it that most bisexual guys will say that they are straight or most often will say that they are not gay?

This occurs when the person is ashamed of themselves or self-hating. They may be embarrassed to admit who they really are.In the entire world, it is a fair statement that most bisexual people claim to be straight, and most gay people claim to be straight or bisexual, because they are closeted or not true to themselves.

Is bisexual a phase?

It can be if you let it be. Typically people start out as bisexual and then feel more comfortable about there sexual orientation.

Do you hate bisexual people?

NO i dont, i am bi

If you are attracted to only one male but mostly females does that make you bisexual?

If you are attracted to only one male but mostly females you may be bisexual. Rather than either straight, bisexual, homosexual, asexual, or any other one class people are a varying degrees of many.

Is being bisexual socially acceptable?

Yes, being bisexual is simply another grade on the sexual orientation spectrum where homosexuality is one end and heterosexuality the other end. Organisations such as the American Psychological Association (APA) have vehemently stated that there is nothing wrong or abnormal about being homosexual or bisexual. It is simply another part of a person's identity. Despite this, however, many people in our society still do not tolerate anything other than heterosexuality. Many bisexual and homosexual people are still subject to homophobia, discrimination and bullying.

Are you bisexual if you like someone of the same gender but not interested in them sexually?

No. You are only bisexual if you are sexually attracted to people of both genders.

How do you tell people you are bisexual?

Two ways. You can go up to random people and say 'Hi, I'm a bisexual' Or you can do it subtly. You can find a friend you trust and tell them, or you can let a little conversation be overheard (or a text message read) by a gossiper (the best people for the job). There are also many more ways of doing this.

Can heterosexual people have bisexual thoughts?

Yes, of course.