i have 107 apps and only took 3.3gbs of space... it can easily hold around a 1000 and still have space for other stuff
Up to 5000 songs OR 1000 apps. It also depends how many megabytes the song/games are.
It depends on how much capacity your ipod has and how much space the app takes up, you can keep track of how much free space you have on your ipod by clicking your ipod on the sidebar in itunes when it is connected. As many pages as you want. If you run out of space (gigabytes) then your iPod cannot have any more apps on it.
depends what mb the game is
32GB iPod Touch only has 28GB of free space without any other downloaded programs/apps. A single game takes up an average of 500MB, so you can download around 50-60 games, but that number will vary depending on the games you download.
depends on what apps there are 1000s of them but thay are different megabites
It does not take apps.
Lets say you have 150 songs you will be able to hold around 160 apps which is the limit of the ipod touch
My 8g iPod has about twenty apps and 300 songs I think it is almost full.
about 100 or 200
1750 songs
As many pages as there are. 16 per page.
it depends on how many songs you want.
This is dependent purely on how big the hard-drive inside your iPod Touch is.
You can store 144 apps on an Ipod touch.
It depends on the size of the app and whether or not you will also use your iPod touch for music and videos. Apps range from 1MB to 200MB, so if you are ONLY storing apps, then you will be able to hold around 800 apps.
as many apps and stuff you can put on your screen
it depends on how many GB's you have. you see i have an ipod touch with 8GB on it and so i would hold about 8000 songs and games a little more then about 150 apps.