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Q: How many Facebook posts per day?
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The regular income of Facebook is about $10,000 M per day.

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Facebook allows up to 25 requests per day.

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how minutes are there in a day, that's how many minutes, haha

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Unfortunately, yes. 5,000

Maximum no of friend requests allowed to be send in a day on facebook?

Maximum about 20 friend requests per day. Not more than that. I think facebook admin is watching users. Can get into trouble if send too many friend requests. Trick is to get mutual friends. Join in facebook add me groups or pages. Many of them ask for friendships.

How much does the average person spend on Facebook per day?

i say about 20-30 minutes a day. If you have no job then its like 1 hour a day, if you really like a person on facebook its like an hour a day or more.

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The average click through rate is at 2%. That means of all the fans you have on your page, 1 out of 50 will see your posts and click on them. # of posts per day depends on your objective. If you are trying to sell your product or promote your page, then you would probably do better with a higher number of posts per day. On average, it is safe to say you would want to post at least 3 times a day for your page to be active.

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Amazon has approximately 2.7 million page hits per day. Average visits to the Amazon site are 34-minutes in length. Google is the most visited website, followed closely by Facebook.

Is there a limit to how many posts you share or create on Google Plus per day?

Unlike other social media networking sites, there doesn't seem to be a character or post limit on Google+.

How many times has my Facebook video been viewed?

It is currently not possible to tell how many views each video has received as per Facebook Support

How much does a bundle of t-posts cost?

Depends on location and number of posts per bundle.

How many children are kidnapped by Facebook users per year?

2.... not alot.