750,000 of which 127,000 were m/94 carbines, 535,000 m/96 long rifles and 88,000 m/38 short rifles (converted m/38's not included).
Many Mauser rifles were converted into shotguns after WWI.
Depends on whether this is a pistol or a rifle - Mauser designed and produced many guns. Also, what condition it's in.
Although many references have been published on Mauser rifles, I don't know of any that have a complete sn listing.
Need to specify a model for this question to be answered. Mauser Waffenfabrik has been in the business since the 1870s, and has manufactured many different rifles, and continues to do so to this day.
A Mauser is one of the many firearms made either by Mauser Jagdwaffen GmbH, a German arms manufacturer founded by Paul and Wilhelm Mauser in 1870, or by Mauser-Werke Oberndorf Waffensysteme GmbH, a division of Rheinmetall corporation since 1995, or by another arms maker using their name under license.The most famous Mausers are K98 bolt action rifles, C96 pistols (also known as Broomhandles), and M1910 pocket pistols.
A Mauser is one of the many firearms made either by Mauser Jagdwaffen GmbH, a German arms manufacturer founded by Paul and Wilhelm Mauser in 1870, or by Mauser-Werke Oberndorf Waffensysteme GmbH, a division of Rheinmetall corporation since 1995, or by another arms maker using their name under license.The most famous Mausers are K98 bolt action rifles, C96 pistols (also known as Broomhandles), and M1910 pocket pistols.
There were 6 rifles in the WW1 the German Mauser, the British Lee-Enfield, the French Lebel, the French Berthier, the U.S. Springfield and the Austro-Hungarian Steyr- Mannlicher. There were 6 rifles in the WW1 the German Mauser, the British Lee-Enfield, the French Lebel, the French Berthier, the U.S. Springfield and the Austro-Hungarian Steyr- Mannlicher.
Sako rifles made in Finland and founded in 1927. Now sako rifles are very popular in today's time. Many well known companies are making and supplying sako rifles. Customer can visit this shops and get these rifles easily.
No way to answer with just the information given. Who made it?
It means your rifle was made in 1938 at the Mauser AG plant in Obendorf. 42 was the code for Mauser- many different firms built the K98.
The Norwegian Krag came in only one caliber, 6.5x55mm Swedish, because in 1896 the Swedish and Norwegian armies decided to accept a common cartridge. However, the Swedes adopted the Model 1896 Mauser rifle, which was mechanically stronger than the Krag, and consequently most people feel that a Norwegian Krag should be shot with lightly-loaded ammo rather than full-power Swedish ammunition. The Kingdom of Denmark also adopted Krag rifles, in 8x58mm rimmed, and the US bought manufacturing rights to build Krag rifles chambered in .30-40 US.