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Forever. Persons convicted of a crime of domestic violence forfeit their right to possess firearms. This is a Federal law, and applies to all states.

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Q: How long with a domestic volience on your record before you can have a firearm?
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Can you own a firearm with a class a misdemeanor on your record?

depends on the misdemeanor. For a crime of domestic violence, no.

Will being arrested for domestic violence prevent you from being a policeman?

If you have a Domestic Violence conviction on your record, the Brady Act would prohibit you from possession of a firearm. You would therefore not be able to become a Police Officer as a firearm is required.

Can I own a fire arm in Tennessee with a domestic violence charge on your police record?

No. A conviction of a crime of domestic violence prevents you from owning or possessing a firearm.

Can you own a firearm with a criminal record in MN?

That depends on exactly what it is. If you have felonies on your record, or misdemeanor domestic abuse charges, then you can't - that's FEDERAL law, applicable regardless of which state you're in. Many misdemeanor drug offences will also disqualify you from being able to legally own a firearm.

Can you get a gun with 4th Degree simple assault on your record?

Assuming you are in the US, the answer is- maybe. If the assault was of a family member, it would be classed as Domestic Violence- which is a bar to possession of a firearm.

Can you buy a gun if you have an assault on your police record?

Depends on what the assault was. In the US, conviction of any felony, or conviction of a crime of domestic violence is a bar to possessing any firearm.

When you purchase a firearm in Texas is it public record?


What is DROSS information for buying a firearm?

DROS is Dealer's Record of Sale. That is identifying information on you and the firearm.

What is the sentence for a ccw firearm charge in ohion if you've only been arrested one other time?

if you are charged with ccw firearm and only have 1 other arrest on your record from 8 years before what will happen to you

If you get a felony at 16 and then get your record cleared can you buy a firearm?


Can you get hunting license with misdemeanor on your criminal record?

The term is misdemeanor. In general, yes. However, depending on the misdemeanor, you may not be allowed to possess a firearm. If the conviction was for a crime of domestic violence, you may hunt, but not with a gun.

Can i own a gun in Florida with a non conviction felony?

(note I am not a lawyer) You can not own a firearm in Florida with a felony on your record, however if it is a non-conviction, and is your only offense, you may be able to get a lawyer to seal/expunge your record and get your rights restored. This does cost between $600 and $2000 depending on complexity of the case.