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I read that it is only about 3 mg over the 24 hours. Seems low to me since 1-3 mg is absorbed from one cig, so if someone is a pack a day smoker then that is 20-60 mg absorbed per day by way of smoking. 3 mg from a patch will come way short on satisfying a pack a day smoker. Really, when you think about it, tobacco growers can suffer from green leaf sickness in which the nicotine is absorbed right thru the skin from handling the leaf. So I'm sure a drug company can get the full 21 mg from the patch into your blood no problem . The greatest difficulty would lie in having that transfer take place evenly over 24 hours. I say 21 mg from a 21 mg patch. Want to know a far cheaper way? Cut a cigarette into 5 even size pieces. Get a small container and pour olive oil over it and let them soak. Then one at a time every about 4 hours take a section and pop it in your mouth and wash it down like a pill. It takes a while for you to digest out the nicotine. One cigarette has about 9 mg of nicotine, so that one cigarette over the 24 hours will be about the same as smoking 3 to 9 cigarettes (depends on how much you bong hit your cigarettes normally and suck every ounce of nicotine and tar from each hit). Then over the next few weeks start to wean yourself off. This way you break the psychological habit, the oral habit and social habit and other habits, like having a cigarette with a cup of coffee habit, before you start to deal with the physical habit. For a lot of people nicotine is a form of self medication. It wouldn't hurt to look into maybe you smoke because your low on some neurotransmitter in the brain and possibly you should think about an anti depressant... like me and lots of other people... Maybe a little 5-HDT from the health store would be a start. This is a precursor ro melatonin and serotonin. It is an intermediate of l-trytophan (the stuff in turkey that makes you sleepy).

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12y ago
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12y ago

I've been wearing the same patch for 5 days and have gone from 30 cigs a day for 15 years to zero with virtually no cravings apart from the odd after dinner / beer / waiting for train type triggers. I plan to keep this on untill I haven't noticed its fallen off.

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11y ago

Quitting smoking can be hard because of the intense cravings your body has for nicotine. Nicotine patches can help you quit permanently by providing your body with nicotine from a source other than cigarettes. Nicotine patches are applied to the skin like a band-aid. The inside of the patch contains nicotine that will pass into your body and reduce your cravings.

Nicotine patches are available over the counter at most drug stores. They are usually applied once a day and use a time release method to dispense the nicotine into your body continuously.

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14y ago

There are 21 mg. patches, 14 mg. patches, and 7 mg. patches.

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14y ago

Most nicotine gum come in two strengths: 2mg and 4mg.

/so, that's the amount of nicotine in one nicorette. How much of this is absorbed into the body is unknown by me.

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11y ago

These units all come in 'grades' of nicotine, the average grades are: 10mg, 18mg and 24mg. The package should state the amount of nicotine.

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9y ago

The amount of nictotine depends on the e-liquid being vaporised. You can buy liquids with set nicotine amounts.

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12y ago

a little bit

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Related questions

Where i can find nicotine patch?

One can find a nicotine patch at local department stores such as Walmart or Target, or even local drug stores. One may also be able to find a nicotine patch online.

What is the maximum number of nicotine patches that can be worn per day?

Only one nicotine patch should be worn per day. Rotating the placement of the patches will prevent irritation and will insure that the trans dermal medication is being absorbed by the body. Always remove the last patch before applying another one.

What is meant by patch birth control?

Patch birth control means using a small patch that sticks to one's skin in order to prevent one from becoming pregnant. It is similar in size to a nicotine patch.

Where are some of the places that one can purchase a cheap nicotine patch?

Some places that one can purchase a cheap nicotine patch include big box retailers such as Walmart and Target. Other places would be a wholesale store such as Costco.

How does the NicoDerm CQ work?

NicoDerm CQ is a nicotine replacement therapy patch that delivers a controlled dose of nicotine through the skin to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with quitting smoking. The patch helps wean the user off nicotine gradually, making it easier to quit smoking over time.

How does nicoderm cq work?

NicoDerm CQ is an option for people looking to quit smoking. It is a patch that releases nicotine into one's bloodstream through one's skin. It is done in a controlled manner so that one's body gets used to having less nicotine.

What is the best stop smoking method and why?

The best stop smoking method is nicotine gum or patch. This method helps replace the nicotine one would normally smoke and helps ease smokers off of cigarettes.

How long does nicotine gum stay in your system?

2 daysFor 2 hours

Can you wear two 7Mg nicotine patches?

The lowest patch strength is usually 7 mg of nicotine (equal to about 7 cigarettes a day). It wouldn't be helpful in quitting to raise your intake like that. Try cutting back to one a day then one every other day, you can do it!

How long does nicotine to leave the system?

really it shouldnt take too long for it to leave, probably at most a week but your life span will still be shortened by a fair amount! +++ Given that most people take nicotine by smoking, the carcinogenic tar may be the greater threat.

What kind of stop smoking aids are there?

One popular aid to stopping smoking is the nicotine patch, gum, or nasal spray. This helps in gradual withdrawal from an addiction to nicotine. Hypnosis and acupuncture are sometimes effective. There are also drugs which must be prescribed by a doctor.

What are some possible adverse side effects of the nicotine patch?

The most COMMON side effects when using a Nicotine Patch are:Abnormal dreams; headache; mild dizziness; mild redness, itching, or burning at the application site; nervousness; sweating; trouble sleeping; vivid dreams.Some less common but severe side effects are:Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); blurred vision; fast or irregular heartbeat; nausea; severe or persistent dizziness or headache; stomach pain or vomiting; swelling or persistent (more than 4 days) redness at the application siteOf course another potential side effect could be nicotine poisoning if too many patches are used at one time. Symptoms of nicotine poisoning include:Vomiting and nausea, diarrheaHeadachesDifficulty breathingPallorSweatingPalpitationsLispsStomach pains/crampsSeizuresWeaknessDrooling