The lowest patch strength is usually 7 mg of nicotine (equal to about 7 cigarettes a day). It wouldn't be helpful in quitting to raise your intake like that. Try cutting back to one a day then one every other day, you can do it!
In the United States, both nicotine gum and patches are available without prescription. Of the two, the patches tend to work the best when used as directed. There is a very real danger of becoming addicted to the gum.
Yes. My uncle wouls smoke a pack a day and wanted to quit. So to help him get the nicotine he craved he put on two patches. He got really sick and it has to much nicotine in his body. Sadly he passed.
Yes, my dog went on rampage and harpoon the captain in the face and yelled at two llamas with hats.
There are two main types of nicotine: freebase nicotine and nicotine salts. Freebase nicotine is the purest form, while nicotine salts are a modified version that have higher stability and smoother throat hit.
Physical and Psychological
The half-life of nicotine in the body is about three hours. If you don't replace it, it will be gone in less than two days, regardless of what you do (or don't do) about it.
According to my pharmacist, after four years they can still be anywhere from 50 to 100 percent active, depending on the make or even the individual patch in each box. He suggested possibly trying the stage one patches I had that were old, as stage two patches. He also said it's definitely NOT a waste to try them as they will not release anything toxic into your system. At the worst, they MAY not work, in which case you would try another patch. He recommended, though, to never use two expired patches together, in case you do manage to get patches with a combined dosage of over 100%. So, DON'T throw them out - give 'em a try. If you don't feel any relief after an hour, try a new one and discard the old. Good luck with your struggle - it is worth it in the end to be finally rid of nicotine!
I read that it is only about 3 mg over the 24 hours. Seems low to me since 1-3 mg is absorbed from one cig, so if someone is a pack a day smoker then that is 20-60 mg absorbed per day by way of smoking. 3 mg from a patch will come way short on satisfying a pack a day smoker. Really, when you think about it, tobacco growers can suffer from green leaf sickness in which the nicotine is absorbed right thru the skin from handling the leaf. So I'm sure a drug company can get the full 21 mg from the patch into your blood no problem . The greatest difficulty would lie in having that transfer take place evenly over 24 hours. I say 21 mg from a 21 mg patch. Want to know a far cheaper way? Cut a cigarette into 5 even size pieces. Get a small container and pour olive oil over it and let them soak. Then one at a time every about 4 hours take a section and pop it in your mouth and wash it down like a pill. It takes a while for you to digest out the nicotine. One cigarette has about 9 mg of nicotine, so that one cigarette over the 24 hours will be about the same as smoking 3 to 9 cigarettes (depends on how much you bong hit your cigarettes normally and suck every ounce of nicotine and tar from each hit). Then over the next few weeks start to wean yourself off. This way you break the psychological habit, the oral habit and social habit and other habits, like having a cigarette with a cup of coffee habit, before you start to deal with the physical habit. For a lot of people nicotine is a form of self medication. It wouldn't hurt to look into maybe you smoke because your low on some neurotransmitter in the brain and possibly you should think about an anti depressant... like me and lots of other people... Maybe a little 5-HDT from the health store would be a start. This is a precursor ro melatonin and serotonin. It is an intermediate of l-trytophan (the stuff in turkey that makes you sleepy).
nicotine is one
Tomatoes contain nicotine in what chemists call "trace" amounts - that is thousandths of a milligram. A very mild cigarette contains about two tenths of a milligram of nicotine. In short, you would have to eat several bushels of tomatoes to get an amount of nicotine approaching one cigarette.
Nicotine rush is a feeling you get after the first cigarette after a long period of time without cigarettes: For example, if you are a smoker and didn't smoke for let's say a day or two, the next cigarette will give you that feeling of a ''nicotine rush'' that's kinda like being stoned.