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depends on how much the person smoked. eg 1 or 2 joints at the weekend - 2 or 3 days. chronic smoking - it could stay in the urine sample for a month or even more. there will be less THC in the sample if the person drank lots of liquids the during the hours before giving the sample. also cod liver oil green tea and cranberry juice speed up the detox of thc out of the persons metabolism . hope this helped ! :)

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9mo ago

THC can be detected in urine for up to 30 days in frequent users, but typically it is detectable for 3-10 days in occasional users. Factors such as metabolism, body fat percentage, and frequency of use can influence how long THC remains detectable in urine.

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Q: How long will THC show up in urine sample?
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No, Diazepam will not show for THC in a urine test.

How long does a urine sample stay good for if being tested for THC?

A urine sample usually lasts up to 7 days if frozen.

Does Hash show up in a urine sample?

Of course, hash is derived from marijuana. You would test positive for THC.

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No THC is marijuana, oxycodone is an opiate

How marijuana do you have to smoke for THC to show up in your urine?

any amount of marijuana smoked will eventually show up in the urine.

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No it will not appear on THC urine screens

Does mrsmiley show in a urine drug test?

Mr. Smiley does not show up in a urine test. It does not contain THC which is what marijuana will show up as.

Signs of dirty urine analysis THC?

If your question is will THC show up in your urine, the answer is yes, for up to 60 days depending on your body fat level.

Does marijuana show in a urine test?

no, urine tests look for liver metabolites of THC. radiation is not used.

How long does it take THC to get completely out of your body?

30 days. Fat cells will retain the THC for one time heavy use, leaving trace evidence of use for 3-10 days. For use at least 5 days a week or more the THC will remain up to 30 days in the human body for 50 Nano-grams of trace THC evidence use using a urine sample; hair samples can show use for 120 days. If properly done 21 days can meet the 50 Nano-gram urine sample test measure. THC is not water based; therefore burning of fat will 'reject' THC. This process normally takes 30 days.

Will clear urine take THC out?

Clear urine does not directly indicate the absence of THC in the body. THC is metabolized and stored in fat cells, so levels can vary based on individual metabolism and usage patterns. Drinking water may dilute urine, potentially affecting drug test results, but it does not remove THC from the system.