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Three large inhales per day maintains about 50nanograms of THC in the urine.

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9mo ago

THC can be detected in urine for up to 30 days, sometimes longer for chronic users. Factors such as frequency of use, metabolism, and body fat percentage can affect how long THC remains detectable. Drinking water or fluids can help dilute urine but may raise suspicion during drug testing.

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Will clear urine take THC out?

Clear urine does not directly indicate the absence of THC in the body. THC is metabolized and stored in fat cells, so levels can vary based on individual metabolism and usage patterns. Drinking water may dilute urine, potentially affecting drug test results, but it does not remove THC from the system.

How long can you save urine in refrigerator for THC test?

24 hours

Can you pass THC test if using cranberry juiced and water?

Cranberry juice can help dilute the urine and increase urination before the test forcing the traceable THC out of your body. However, this does cause the urine's pH level to be out of normal range and color to be clear. Some testers will fail a client automatically for signs of urine dilution.

How long to clear out 1 hit of THC if you are totally clean before?

depending on your size, weight, and metabolism, around a week or 2

Can a lab detect THC after urine sat in sealed cup for four days before testing and how long do they have for it to be valid test?

4 days. after that invalid

Diazepam will it show for thc in urine test?

No, Diazepam will not show for THC in a urine test.

Clean out THC without delouting the urine?

The best way to dilute THC from a persons urine is to stop using THC. There are also vitamins that can clean your urine as well.

How do you clear urine of THC in 15 days?

Drink a massive assload of water and the day of drugtest dont eat anything

Do weed brownies stay in your urine test as long as if you smoke it?

I would think so. THC is THC! It would also depend on how long ago you had your fun snack!

How long does THC stay in you urine?

THC can be detected in urine anywhere from 3 days for occasional users to up to 30 days for heavy users. Factors such as frequency of use, metabolism, body fat percentage, and the potency of the marijuana can all affect how long THC stays in your system.

How long THC stays in your urine?

THC can be detectable in urine for up to 30 days, depending on factors such as frequency of use, amount consumed, and metabolism. Regular users may have THC detectable for longer periods compared to occasional users.