It took about 5 to 6 weeks depending on the winds. Also, while some African slaves were sold off by their enemies the vast majority of them were kidnapped. The Slavers didn't need to trade anything with the locals that's because they had the guns and the locals they preyed upon did not.
A voyage is a long journey, particularly by ship.
ship trip
A ship on its first voyage is a ship that is on its maiden voyage.
There were no advantages. If you were riding in a slave ship then you were going to end up being sold as a slave.... that is, if you survived the voyage and the dreadful conditions aboard. You no longer had control of your own life. Nothing good which might happen could make that acceptable.
The Voyage For Africans was Painful And Tragic
A voyage is usually a long journey taken by ship.
"The Middle Passage" is the name of the voyage which brought slaves into the new world. Henrietta Marie was the first and only slave cargo ship that was wrecked.
The first slave ship that appeared on American shores was from the Netherlands. The ship had intercepted a Spanish slave ship and commandeered their cargo. They landed at Jamestown, VA in 1619.
how the ship Titanic sanks on its first voyage
The Slave Ship was created in 1840.
Columbus' voyage was between 3 and 4 months in time. This amount of travel was met by bad weather and sickness on his ship.