Considering that a piercing isn't fully healed until it's a year old, a light heal is seen by about 6~8 weeks depending on the piercing. So you could get another one in about a weeks time post initial piercing.
If healed you should just be able to unscrew and take it out and in. If not healed you will irritate the piercing and end up with a messed up or even infected piercing. Can you not just cover the area with a soft bandage& tape? cover it all to avoid it getting rubbed?
i would definetly not recommend you take out a fresh piercing. it's not fully healed,can close easy,or can be irritated. you should just get it done during summer time or when your sports are over with.
Even though it is completely healed you still should clean it. You don't have to as much as when you first got it but it still can get infected and you should just clean it in the shower and do soaks every once in a while.
Just another ear cartilage piercing, it has no magical meaning, it's just another piercing.
It depends on how long you have the piercing/ how healed it is. If you have it for longer than a year and it is all healed, it will usually stay open for awhile. Your tragus is just like the cartilage on the outer rim of your ear.
Well nothing then again you could loose the piercing. Don't mess around with your piercing unless you have decided to go without it, then take it out and leave it out. Screwing around with a piercing that isn't healed is inviting infection, tearing and other nasty things to happen to a new piercing just because you were curious.
you should suck on ice it'll heal faster for me i just let it heal on its on @ its on pace just i wouldn't eat food with bacteria or mercury until its fully healed
I would wait a couple of weeks maybe 4 or less just to make sure that it is some what healed.
No. Especially not while its new. Removing and reinserting the jewelry will not only hurt, but irritate the piercing. After its healed, just do whatever you'd like!
Get a new ring, or if it's just that rings are uncomfortable for you, get a stud.
You should make sure that it heals up clean, so clean it every night and then just let it heal. If it has not healed in a year or so call a doctor and see what he thinks.
Sure Bioplast was designed for the body piercing industry and is fine once the piercing is healed. Some piercers will use it right from the start, but I am a bit old school so I like to get the piercing healed with a metal barbell ( the flexing can prevent the piercing from draining correctly and clients tends to chew on a flexible barbell which isn't a smart move ). Just keep in mind anything flexible will eventually fail from wear and tear, so keep your shorter metal barbell handy when you travel, just in case.