It may mean you are pregnant, however you should check it out. as it does not mean you are definitely pregnant.
No, but you might have bleeding in between periods. You may be pregnant and should check.
your most likely pregnant and it is old blood you need to let your doctor check you could be pregnant and old blood your uterus is getting rid off
I think you should go to the doctor for check up. i think 80% chances are that u r pregnant
Check with a doctor to make sure everything is alright would be your best bet.
well alot of people think that you cannot have a period but the answer is somewhat difficult. there is a chance that you will blled mistaking it as a period but it is not. no No. If bleeding when pregnant, check with your doctor.
You could possibly be pregnant because there is always a chance of getting pregnant even with a form of protection. You should call to make an appointment as soon as possible to get checked for any problems with the surgeory and to check for pregnancy.
Maybe, best to get a test and check
when in doubt, assume you are pregnant. then take a urine pregnancy test, and if that is negative. then you can also check by getting a blood pregnancy test.
A late period dosent always mean you are pregnant, You could just have a late peroid. But you might want to check.
I would think you would want to know so why not if you missed your period?
A woman can get pregnant at any age, so long as she is still getting a period and has not entered into menopause. If you are trying to conceive and having problems, you may want to consult your OB, to check your hormone levels. Women in their 40's may need hormone treatments or other forms of medical help to assist in getting pregnant.