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Proper stretching is one gauge once every 30 days, no fast and no larger than one gauge at a time. The 30 days is to allow the tissue to slowly allow room and to stretch gently so the tissue doesn't tear. The moment you jump a gauge you run a serious risk of tearing the tissue and winding up with a mess. If you need more detailed help see your local professional body piercer for assistance.

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Q: How long should you wait for gauges to heal?
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How long do you wait until you can take out the 12g gauges you currently have?

Gauges can take anywhere from four days to two weeks to heal. It is best to wait about one week until you change or go up a size in gauges, so that they can continue to heal properly and avoid infections.

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They aren't gauges. They're plugs. And no, you have to wait about 2-3 months until your ears heal or you will really mess them up.

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Usually 6-8 weeks you should wait to make sure it is fully healed

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depends on how you heal if it take a long time to heal you may want to wait so your body isn't fighting off to many dif things

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Yes, wait for it to heal.

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You have to wait for it to fully heal, which takes about 1 to 2 weeks

How long does it take a scaffold piercing to heal?

Your professional body piercer should have told you that you can expect to wait 8 to 10 weeks for a light heal and over a year for the piercing to season up and be considered a healed piercing.

If your belly button ring got infected how long should you wait to get it again?

It is always best to wait 3 months in between letting your piercing heal and getting it re-done. Re-piercing too early can make your chances for scarring higher, and also raise your chance for infection if the previous one was not allowed to heal. Wait 3 months.

What should you do if your toe is bleeding?

Clean it, put a band-aid on it, wait for it to heal, and DON'T PICK!

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It's usually 2 weeks to a month for the penis to heal.