Wait till the initial pain and swelling goes down. About two weeks should be more than sufficient.
the bow cleat
If you've got a dermal anchor, then pregnancy should not have an effect on it. If it's a surface piercing, it has potential to reject even if you aren't pregnant so...hope that answers it.
The implant needs to be sized for the depth of the tissue (that's from the surface of the skin to just under the dermal layer). If the jewellery is not sized correctly for the tissue depth then the jewellery will stick up and thus be prone to snagging. It's the piercer's mistake, he/she should know what depth they are going to go to before doing the dermal punch. What you have now, you are pretty much stuck with, unless you want to go back and talk to the piercer about doing it again (fat chance they will agree with you).
it should be in correct position before throwing it out
The gem was probably just loose. You'll just have to buy another end online or from your piercer if they sell those. It no big deal. Be sure to screw your ends on tightly in the future!
Check your mirrors and signal your intentions.
the length should be 8 times the depth of the deepest water you are planning to anchor in.
Stop the boat and turn off the motor. Anchor or secure the boat
the DMV recommends at least 5 seconds before the maneuver.
Move the boat directly over the anchor
check blind spots and signal
Humans don't have a dermal bone. Your daughter should contact her health care provider to clarify her situation.