As most people have an average length then that is probably the best size to be.
A curved penis can satisfy a woman as much as any other penis. As long as you can get it in, and can do your thing, then you can satisfy her. Girls are more satisfied by how you use your penis than the length or straightness of it.
yes you can it doesnt always matter about how long just how thick
She finds herself a man, with a large penis, who loves to satisfy married women and is very discreet.
I don't have an idea for a perfect size penis to satisfy a women. Its how you work it that matter. Not necessarily "huge", but of good size, both thick (1.75" is ideal) and long (6" to 8"). There is more sensation and a feeling of fullness. It is also very erotic to feel a penis deep where no penis has gone before. The "G" Spot is getting more action with a long thick penis stroking in and out. There is also less fallout with hard and fast thrusting so the mood doesn't get broken.
Dont be black out drunk... other than that you should be fine as long as you dont have an std.
There is no specified length that a penis should be in order to fit a woman. In fact, a woman's vagina adapts to accommodate the size of a man's penis.
First if it is that small you should get it looked at by a doctor and second you could satisfy a girl who had a small enough vagina. Always wear a condom and always make sure you are of age.
Unfortunately you will not be able to satisfy your wife, or any woman, sexually with a 3" penis. You will have to work on your other skills such as touch, caressing, oral, etc. Even 2 inch penis is long enough to reach the G Spot, so work at it - you will be able to satisfy her. Good luck!
Most of Indian women do not care about size. Some do 6 inch or more should be suffice.
cuz u prob suck in bed... why dont you pass her this way and ill satisfy her
It is not the question of perfect. The question is why are some people are taller than others. The same goes for your penis. At 22, some may have penis as long as 7 inches. What is important here is your penis can get an erection and satisfy a woman. What is the point of having a big penis but cannot satisfy?
A long thick hard long-lasting penis.