2 weeks
A person can now find out if they are pregnant before even a period is missed.
You should be able to know by November 3rd, 2009.
Maybe a month or a few weeks.
With in 12-24 hours your body knows its pregnant. But you wont know for about 3 weeks.
I want to know how long can be pregnant?
No. You do not have a period if you're pregnant. My mother had 6 children, and she had her periods through 3 of the pregnancies - I don't know how long or "normal" her periods were (she died some years ago) but I do know that she was 5 months pregnant with me before she realized she was pregnant!
Guppies are pregnant for about 4 weeks before giving birth.
A guppy is pregnant for about 4 weeks before giving birth.
Usually after you had sex it takes 2 weeks before you can use a actual pregnancy test.
A pregnant hamster will start hoarding lots of food and will get a little bit aggressive. They start showing the baby bump about a week before giving birth.
It's impossible to know based on that. To know how long she is pregnant, she really should see a doctor... which she should be doing on a regular basis anyway if she suspects or knows that she is pregnant.