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Full term pregnancy is nine months

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Q: How long is a term pregnancy?
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How long does a full term pregnancy last?

It would depend on which animal you are referring to.

What is medical term for a pregnancy that is out of place?

The term is ectopic pregnancy.

How long does it take for a water buffalo to reach full term of pregnancy?

300 to 340 days

What is the term for pregnancy and what are the component word parts?

the term for pregnancy is gravidity... so we can say some one is gravid in medical term

What is the medical term meaning extrauterine pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy is the more commonly-used medical term for extrauterine pregnancy.

How long is a dogs pregnancy term?

Usually around 9 weeks, or 3 months.

What causes hip pain after pregnancy?

The stretching of the pelvis during delivery can cause short- and long-term pain.

I just found out I was pregnant I have had one eptopic pregnancythen a normal pregnancy that went full term and now another eptopic pregnancy Can I still have a normal full term pregnancy?

Yes-you can still have a normal full term pregnancy.

What is the medical term meaning vomiting in pregnancy?

Hyperemesis gravidarum is the term for excessive vomiting during pregnancy.

What is the medical term for a pregnancy called a 'tubby'?

Ectopic pregnancy aka tubal pregnancy.

For how long is normal to have cramps in early pregnancy?

Unfortunately there are several reasons contributing to cramping during pregnancy. They can be due to gas, constipation, implantation bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage,vanishing twin syndrome, or pre-term labor.

Can you have a full term pregnancy getting pregnant with Mirena?

Yes, you can have a full-term pregnancy after getting pregnant with Mirena.