Hi. The womb can stretch as big or as long as it needs to be. (I'd suggest to check out 'what is the worlds largest pregnant belly'). It will stretch out over time or very quickly if it needs to.
A doctor can only tell you that a baby was/is in the womb for too long.
Exactly 21 days in the womb!
Einstein was in the womb for 14 months.
Because the baby develops inside her womb (below the stomach) and the skin stretches to compensate for the growth of the baby.
Too long for comfort.
For as long as it stays in yours.
Before a volleyball game you should do various stretches, such as, lunges, leg stretches, arm stretches and foot stretches. You also HAVE TO stretch your arms before serving. If you don't you will pull an arm muscle and it will hurt for a long time.
Clownfish don't have a womb ! They lay eggs - which are fertilised by the male - and simply left to 'drift' in the water.
18.98 years.
Nine months