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It usually lasts about 2-7 days less

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Q: How long does the menstrual cycle last on birth control pills?
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How often should your menstrual cycle be when your not on birth control pills?

The average menstrual cycle length is 28 days - but everyone is different. As a note while on birth control pills you don't have a menstrual cycle, the pill works by suppressing your menstrual cycles so you no longer ovulate.

What cycle has 28 days?

A normal menstrual cycle - especially if you are on birth control pills.

Irregular menstrual periods what about my honeymoon?

Birth control pills will help regulate the menstrual cycle.

What are the benefits of birth control pills?

Birth control has many benefits. The two big ones are to Prevent pregnancy and to control your menstrual cycle.

Why is estrogen included in birth control pills?

Estrogen is included in birth control pills to help regulate the menstrual cycle and prevent ovulation, which reduces the chances of pregnancy.

If you have already started a menstrual cycle how can you stop it?

You can not stop a menstrual cycle without removing your ovaries. Some birth control pills allow you to skip periods, but this does not stop the cycle.

How to shorten your menstrual cycle?

some birth control pills give you a shorter period.

Do antibiotics effect menstrualcycle?

They do not affect the menstrual cycle itself, however, they WILL affect your birth control (decreasing the effectiveness), which CAN effect your menstrual cycle. You can get pregnant or have changes in your menstrual cycle as if you had missed a week or so on your pills.

If taking birth control when should you start your menstrual cycle?

Your period usually comes during the placebo pills week(sugar pills).

What happens to your menstrual cycle if you start birth control pills two Sundays after period ended?

you will get your period when you start taking your "period" placebo pills in your pack

Is it normal to start your period in the first two weeks of taking birth control?

Yes. When you start taking birth control pills, your menstrual cycle will usually change. It will become lighter and less irregular. But when you start the pill, your menstrual cycle has to get use to the changes, and will start your cycle early because it will now be different because of the birth control pills. Your periods might be irregular the first couple of times after starting the pill

Can birth control cause heavy menstrual bleeding Should I continue taking my birth control?

Birth control pills should stop your menstrual bleeding. I would suggest you stop the pills and talk to your doctor