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You could get pregnant even on your wedding night if you don't take precautions.

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Q: How long does it take to get pregnant after marriage?
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Is it possible to get pregnant in one month after marriage?

Yes, just as easily as it is possible to get pregnant before marriage. The date and day of the wedding is arbitrary to becoming pregnant.

Can a pregnant woman take a bath?

You can take a bath if you are pregnant as long as the water does not exceed 98 degrees.

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If you are trying to get pregnant then you should not take the pill at all.

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Immediately. You can become pregnant at any time in your cycle.

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A dog takes 58- 68 days to get pregnant.

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Why are you so sure that Vanessa is not pregnant?

because she is not married so she is not pregnant Pregnancy is a result of sexual intercourse, not of marriage. Many societies disapprove of pregnancy outside marriage, but there are many girls who get pregnant outside marriage.

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