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It takes a typical industrialized nation 3 to 4 years to build the required infrastructure (e.g. enrichment plants, reactors, separation plants, fabrication plants), then it usually takes a few weeks to months to build and test the first prototype. Once bomb assembly lines are running bombs can be made at rates of dozens to hundreds per plant per day, with the primary limitation being the rate of production of fissile material to feed the assembly lines.

To build an individual bomb once designed and materials are available is probably only a few days (but the exact time would be classified Top Secret-Q). Also they are now made on assembly lines, so the rate would be much higher than the time per bomb.

I hope the answer to your question is somewhere in the paragraphs above. Your question is kind of broad and ambiguous.

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The time it takes to create nuclear bombs can vary depending on factors such as the level of technology and resources available to the entity creating them. Generally, the process can take several years to develop the necessary infrastructure, obtain materials, and design and test the bombs. This is a complex and highly regulated process due to the destructive power of nuclear weapons.

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How many nuclear bombs would it take to kill everyone in the world if all detonated at the same time?

It is difficult to determine the exact number of nuclear bombs it would take to kill everyone in the world, as many factors such as location and size of the bombs would come into play. However, it is estimated that a few hundred strategically placed nuclear bombs could have catastrophic global consequences.

How many nuclear bombs would it take to destroy the world?

It is impossible to determine an exact number of nuclear bombs needed to destroy the world, as it would depend on various factors such as the size and yield of the bombs, the targets selected, and other variables. However, even a few well-placed nuclear bombs could have catastrophic global consequences, including widespread destruction, loss of life, and long-term environmental damage.

Why do countries use nuclear bombs?

Countries may possess nuclear weapons for various reasons, including deterrence against potential adversaries, ensuring national security, and projecting military power. The idea is that possessing nuclear capability can deter other countries from attacking, as the consequences of a nuclear conflict are too catastrophic to justify the use of nuclear weapons.

How many nuclear bombs would it take to blow up the world?

It is impossible to determine an exact number, but it would likely require thousands of nuclear bombs detonated simultaneously to cause catastrophic global destruction. The impact would depend on various factors such as the size and power of the bombs, their distribution, and the targeted areas.

How powerful is a nuclear bomb?

Nuclear bombs are extremely powerful weapons that can unleash immense destruction by releasing energy equivalent to thousands or even millions of tons of TNT. The destructive power of a nuclear bomb is measured in terms of its explosive yield, which can range from a few kilotons to multiple megatons. The effects of a nuclear bomb blast can include devastating immediate destruction, intense heat, radiation, and long-lasting environmental impacts.

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How long did it take to test the nuclear bombs?

I think they are still testing

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How many nuclear bombs would it take to kill everyone in the world if all detonated at the same time?

It is difficult to determine the exact number of nuclear bombs it would take to kill everyone in the world, as many factors such as location and size of the bombs would come into play. However, it is estimated that a few hundred strategically placed nuclear bombs could have catastrophic global consequences.

How many nuclear bombs does it take to blow up Pluto?

It is impossible to blow up Pluto with nuclear bombs, as it is a dwarf planet located over 3.6 billion miles away from Earth. Additionally, the use of nuclear weapons in space is banned by international laws and treaties.

How many nuclear bombs would it take to blow up earth?

It is impossible to accurately estimate the number of nuclear bombs it would take to completely destroy Earth as the amount would be so vast that it is beyond comprehension. Using nuclear bombs to destroy Earth would also have catastrophic consequences for all life on the planet.

How many nuclear bombs would it take to affect the planets rotation?

More than anyone could build.

How many nuclear bombs would it take to destroy the world?

It is impossible to determine an exact number of nuclear bombs needed to destroy the world, as it would depend on various factors such as the size and yield of the bombs, the targets selected, and other variables. However, even a few well-placed nuclear bombs could have catastrophic global consequences, including widespread destruction, loss of life, and long-term environmental damage.

How many nuclear missiles would it take to wipe out UK?

It is difficult to answer how many nuclear bombs it would take to destroy England due to the fact that there are a variety of different nukes. It would most likely take around a couple of dozen.

How many nuclear bombs would it take to blow up the US?

depends on how big the bombs are, if they were as big as Tsar Bomba (Soviet bomb 60MT) it would take about from 15-25 no you retard it would take about 15-25 to blow the usa NT the us it would take 10 a-bombs to kill every living thing (cuz of the radiation)

How many bombs would it take to blow up the sun?

To say how many nuclear bombs it would take to blow up the sun is almost impossible. Actually the sun is a continuously exploding thermonuclear bomb, that's where the energy comes from - fusion. It doesn't matter how many bombs you shot into the sun, it would just get hotter.

How long would it take to make new zealand a nuclear country?

We still not a nuclear country