I've heard two things: a] 6 months b] until you cut it off Now, both things are true. The THC never truly leaves your hair, but it becomes less concentrated as time goes on your hair goes under wear and tear. The best method is to just cut off your hair, why do you think hxc druggies keep their hair buzzed? After about 6 months, the THC will no longer be detectable by normal drug tests.
The two main certifications are CMA (Certified Managerial Accountant), which you typically get with a bachelors degree in accounting or a bachelors degree with a certain numbers of accounting credits; you'll have to check with your individial state. The most sought after certification is CPA (Certified Public Accountant), which tycially requires at least 150 hours of college credit, with a specied amount of amount of accounting classes. Again, check with your state requirements for the specific details.
shave or nair your entire body
The best way is to take a really long shower.
3 to 6 months. Stays in the fatty cells and hair cells.
Less than 15 days.
About 30 days for a urine test but most hair folical tests go back three months and will have trace amounts up to seven years.
how long does weed stay in your hair if you only use it once month have not use in the last two months
Smoke sum
Weed can stay in chest hair for up to 90 days, similar to other body hair. Detection depends on factors such as frequency of use, metabolism, and quantity consumed. Regular hair washing may not affect detection time as significantly as it does with urine or blood tests.
it stays in your urine for 4 to 5 weeks and in your hair for a year i think
1-3 weeks
Depends the quality of the weed if its good it could take hours if its swag wont take to long.
Depends on how long your hair is.