Answer 1: For all the people asking "how long will my [x] take to close after I take it out?" and/or the related question "How long until I can get [x] re-pierced?" the answer is always the same: IT DEPENDS. Everyone's body is different.
That being said, I'm certain that certain holes are statistically likely to close more quickly than certain other holes. To the best of my understanding: The fastest-healing are in your mouth, since those cells grow very quickly. A tongue stud hold can close up in less than an hour. The insides of your lip rings would also start to knit shut very very quickly. The next fastest, or equally fast, closing piercings are surface piercings. This includes eyebrows! Eyebrows are definitely a surface piercing (a piercing that runs under the surface of your skin rather than piercing a natural flap or thing that sticks out). These heal very quickly, since, after all, they are a tunnel under flat skin; why would they last very long without jewelry in them? It's probably safe to assume that belly button piercings heal very quickly too, and genitalpiercings (inner labia ones might last a while longer than others but I'd think that vertical or horizontal clitoral hood piercings, head/glans piercings, etc. would heal super-quickly. The LONGEST-lasting are ear-lobe piercings. Some people barely wear them, take them out, and then, YEARS later, they can still easily find the hole. Cartilage piercings seem like they depend on the person. For me personally? I had a four-year old cartilage piercing fall out in my sleep a few weeks ago and when I noticed, about 8 hours later, what had happened, it was already difficult to get it back in.
It also depends upon what you mean by "close". Pretty quickly, it will be difficult to put the jewelry in without causing damage. Then, you won't be able to get it in at all, but you'll still have a sort of visible dimple where the piercing was. Then that'll smooth out over time (for a lot of people; on others a scar might remain), but you can't tell by looking at the outside what's going on on the INSIDE.
No one can really know the answer to "when will it close," but I'd think that (aside from earlobes), there are almost NO PIERCINGS (except on very anomalous individuals) that would remain open after a few weeks--and those that would last more than a week would be in the ears, not anywhere else. Mouth ones can close in hours. Cartilage too, apparently, so be aware. I know that I would never leave ANY of my piercings out for more than a few minutes, under the assumption that they can all begin to close in a matter of hours.
If you're just curious when it will close, then it really doesn't matter what you think the answer is. But if you're going to take whatever I say and then think it's okay to get re-pierced then, well... That's not so smart. Before you can get re-pierced, you want it to have healed really well, inside and out. And even then, you might not want to get it pierced in exactly the same place. No one can tell you how closed or how healed it is over the internet; they'd have to look at it to see. If you're considering getting it re-pierced, ask a professional piercer for his/her opinion. If you're not planning on getting re-pierced, then just relax and it will close shortly.
If anyone knows, please help improve this answer by adding ROUGH ESTIMATES (or sharing personal experiences) of how quickly piercings close. But to the asker: Don't assume that your body is like someone else's! Also, remember that people have different ideas of what "open" means (i.e. some people are willing to JAM it back in, ripping through flesh, and call that a success and say it was still open.)
You shouldn't remove any piercing until after they are entirely healed. If the piercing is already infected, removing the jewelery could cause the piercing to heal over trapping the infection inside the skin which will require medical attention. But if you don't have a choice, or you've decided that you don't want the piercing anymore, (only if the piercing is NOT infected) you can take the piercing out to let it grow over, and as long as you continue aftercare until the piercing is entirely healed you shouldn't get an infection.
Cosmetic surgeries are expensive. If you leave the jewellery out of the piercing over time the piercing will shrink and become almost unnoticeable Keep in mind this will take time and will not occur over night. So long as you didn't experience any trouble with the piercing (bumps or lumps etc.) everything should settle out over time.
It takes as long as it takes once a piercing has healed it depends on haow long you leave the jewellery out, if you are done with the piercing it can take a few days to several weeks for the piercing to actually close once it's a seasoned piercing (seasoned being over a year old).
Well if you have had the piercing that long it won't close, however it will shrink over time. The mark left by the initial piercing will remain in place and will look less noticable over time.
It really depends on the type of piercing and long you've had the piercing.
If the piercing is over a year old you can remove the Monroe piercing for several hours without fear of the piercing healing closed. Prior to a year you are taking a gamble on how your body will respond to the jewellery being out of the piercing.
It depends on how fast your body heals, and how long you have had the piercing. The longer you have had the piercing, the longer it will take to close. This is true for all piercings.
It varies, if you have had the piercing for a long time the hole might never close. It does vary, i got my ears pierced over 3 years ago and still close overnight.
over 9000!
It can take up to 12 weeks for an Industrial piercing to close up. Possibly even longer, as long as you clean the area with salen solution it will heal up just fine, DO NOT turn, the piercing it will do that by daily wear. And DO NOT take the piercing out, the skin will grow back together very quickly and cause the punctures to close, meaning you just paid for a piercing, that is no good anymore.
eh.. mine closed in likee half hour.
Your professional body piercer should have told you that you can expect to wait 8 to 10 weeks for a light heal and over a year for the piercing to season up and be considered a healed piercing.